October, 2014

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25 Online Gift Stores That Benefit Nonprofits

Nonprofit Tech for Good

'According to Shop.org’s annual Holiday 2014 Pre-Holiday Retailer and Consumer Study , two out of five U.S. consumers started their holiday shopping in October. The study also found that o nline shoppers plan to spend 16 percent more than brick-and-mortar shoppers this holiday season on gifts, decorations, greeting cards, and food. All told, online shoppers expect to spend an average of $931.75.

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50 Best Nonprofit Twitter Accounts to Follow


'A frequent assumption is that social media runs itself, but the “build it and they will come” model won’t yield the engagement or impact that you’re looking for. It’s important to approach social media with a multifaceted strategy for spreading your message and getting the attention of your audience.


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Stop being jealous! Dealing with #ALSicebucketchallenge

Fundraising Coach

'Lately, I''ve been getting a lot of questions about my "view" of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. When I saw it happening, I watched with professional curiosity. I love seeing a nonprofit hit a fundraising campaign out of the park! You''d think that as a guy lost his mom less than a year ago due to ALS, I''d have a more emotional connection. But I didn''t.

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Ebola Body Bags Or Billions: The Fundraiser’s Choice

The Agitator

'EDITORS’ NOTE: On September 4th The Agitator sounded the alarm , questioning whether fundraising efforts were rising to the level required for the impending Ebola disaster. Our conclusion, in the post Fundraisers and Ebola , was “NO!” We urged our sector shed it’s complacency. Many Agitator readers agreed. Seven weeks later, on Monday, October 20th, the New York Times , in a piece by Stephanie Strom titled “Donations for Ebola Relief Are Slow to Gain Speed” reported that, with the exception of

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How To Cultivate Community Affinity Throughout The Generosity Journey

Speaker: Tim Sarrantonio, Director of Corporate Brand

This session will dive into how to create rich generosity experiences that foster long-lasting relationships. You’ll walk away with actionable insights to redefine how you engage with your supporters—emphasizing trust, engagement, and community over transactional giving models. 🤝 Industry expert Tim Sarrantonio will explore data-backed strategies to engage supporters as active participants in a community that values their contributions and shared ideals.

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What Board Members Want Staff to Know

Kivi's Nonprofit Communications Blog

'At a recent workshop with more than 200 nonprofit board and staff members, we did an exercise where board members shared what they secretly wanted staff to know on yellow notes, and staff shared what they wanted board members to know on pink notes. Today and tomorrow, I’ll share the most popular messages with you, starting today with what board members wish they could say to staff.

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Make Online Giving a Breeze

Ann Green

'Many of you are busy with your year-end fundraising campaign. Even if you mail your appeal letter, a bunch of people will donate online. If you’re sending out reminders by email and social media, you’ll also include a link to the donation page on your website. Is your donation page ready for an onslaught of online donors? Find out by asking yourself these questions.

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Best Halloween costumes ever? We dressed up as our favorite nonprofits.


'You have just a few hours before your end-of-the-day office costume contest and evening Halloween festivities, but have no idea what to be. Well, we have your back. For the ultimate procrastinator, we''ve got 6 nonprofit costume ideas that you can do with (almost) no planning at all.

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Quick storytelling tip for nonprofit board members

Fundraising Coach

'Being a nonprofit board member can be an exciting adventure. You''re part of something bigger than yourself, doing incredible work. But the joy tends to evaporate when you''re asked to talk about your nonprofit to your friends. My coaching clients often ask me questions like: "What do I say?" "Why would they care?" "What if I say the wrong thing?".

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Trivial Pursuit In Fundraising

The Agitator

'Over and over Tom and I receive emails and comments claiming there just isn’t enough time or staff resources required to make some of the basic changes we suggest, or engage in much innovation. Yet, anyone who’s spent time with most nonprofits knows that’s simply an excuse without much truth to it. Tom’s post yesterday , applauding the commitment of Ann Kensek and The Counseling Service of Addison County-Vermont , made that abundantly clear.

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Day in the Life of a Nonprofit Communicator – Genna Kasun

Kivi's Nonprofit Communications Blog

'Genna Kasun. Here’s the latest installment in our series on the “Day in the Life” of nonprofit communicators, where we ask you to describe your day in your own words. Want to be featured in this series? Tell us what you do in a typical day as a nonprofit communications pro. Genna Kasun is a marketing and advancement writer whose work varies from writing and supervising social media and enrollment content to grant writing, case statement work and institutional proposal writing.

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How to Design a Seamless & Personalized Digital Donor Journey

Speaker: Tim Sarrantonio

The average nonprofit uses five or more different software platforms to create their donor’s journey, making the experience clunky and disjointed. If you want to design a magical online giving experience for donors, making their journey as seamless as possible is key. In this webinar with expert Tim Sarrantonio, you’ll learn the fundamental steps to create an immersive and personalized online giving experience for your donors.

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Strategies to turn supporters into fundraisers for #GivingTuesday, and beyond.

Nonprofit Marketing Blog

'#GivingTuesday – what for many will be the launch of the December giving season – is now just 7 weeks away. Gulp. Your year-end campaigns are just about ready to go, but making the most of December is probably in the back of your mind all the time. Perhaps you’re asking yourself if there is anything else you can put into motion today that can move the needle at year end.

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Different Strokes for Different Folks

Ann Green

'Have you ever received an appeal letter from an organization you’ve donated to for years and they make no mention of your previous donations? Or maybe you get a letter that thanks you for your past support and you’ve never donated to this organization. Grrrr. This is why is you need to know your audience and personalize your letters as much as possible.

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Mark your calendar: best conferences for nonprofits in 2015


'Believe it or not, it''s already time to start planning for the wealth of marketing, education, and networking opportunities for nonprofits in 2015.

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[Guest Post] How to Overcome Objections in Scheduling Your Fundraising Solicitation Meetings

Fundraising Coach

'I''m a huge fan of Andrea Kihlstedt. She''s a true expert in fundraising - one that makes you feel smarter just by being around her. She''s the author of multiple books and the creator of the "asking styles" way of helping people ask in coordination with their hard wiring, not against them. She''s also done the best teaching I''ve found on exactly what to say during the major gift solicitation.

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Lessons ‘The Ice Bucket Challenge’ Can Teach Us All

The Agitator

'When producers of TV talk and cable news shows score an extraordinary guest appearance, it’s called a ‘get ‘ Well, last Friday Tony Martignetti’s Nonprofit Radio scored fundraising media’s equivalent of a huge ‘get’ — an interview with Barbara Newhouse, the CEO of the ALS Association , better known to most as ‘The Ice Bucket Challenge’ people.

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Your Job is NOT to Raise Funds


'You are not a fund raiser. You are , instead, an engagement facilitator. And, the purpose of your engagements with donors is to discover why they give; what would inspire and motivate them to give; and, how you can help them to give. Let’s face it, people give for a variety of reasons. But they rarely think deeply about them. And why should they?

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The 5 Best Nonprofit Digital Stories from TechSoup’s Storymakers Contest

Kivi's Nonprofit Communications Blog

'Alexandra Ale Bezdikian. TechSoup’s annual Storymakers contest had some great entries this year. Watch the winners and see what you can learn from them. ~Kivi. Guest Post by Alexandra (Ale) Bezdikian of TechSoup. The world is changing. The landscape of communication is evolving at an exponential rate, and digital media creation is riding at the head of the wave.

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Go Multi-Channel for Better Year-End Success

Ann Green

'Most of you are about ready to launch your year-end appeal. We have many ways to reach out to our donors – by mail, email, social media, phone calls. But your fundraising campaign will be more effective if you use a combination of these. Some donors may respond to your direct mail piece, but donate online. Others will see your email message, but prefer to send a check.

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This is what's wrong with your nonprofit digital strategy


'I’ve read and written hundreds of nonprofit digital strategy documents. As a former consultant for the nonprofit space, “I need to create a digital strategy” was something that I heard almost daily. The problem is that you don’t need a digital strategy. You need a strategy.

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Storytelling is for fundraising NOT for nonprofit marketing!

Fundraising Coach

'I''m shocked at how people looking for solid fundraising tactics, simply blow off storytelling. It''s as though there is some cosmic organizational chart in the sky that has storytelling is on one side (the "marketing" side) and fundraising is on the other. Divorcing storytelling from fundraising will reduce your fundraising success! Even communicating research needs stories.

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Dealing With An 800 Pound Gorilla

The Agitator

'The Chronicle of Philanthropy just announced that giving is up 10.8% at America’s top 400 charities. Rah, Rah, Rah! However, elsewhere in the universe, if you’re a small nonprofit in your local community or region trying to raise funds for, say, homeless shelters or a health services charity or an arts group, might this be your worst nightmare … ?

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5 Ways to Stay Smart & Engaged

Getting Attention

'She got me… The rain was pouring down this morning as our daughter, Charlotte, was getting ready to walk to school, so I caved and drove her. And I’m glad I did. Because as I dropped her off to join the gaggle of noisy, drenched kids waiting outside the middle school, I started thinking. Here were all these kids crowded round the dripping doorway to march in for another day of challenge, learning and growth.

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Finding Purpose: You and Your Nonprofit

Kivi's Nonprofit Communications Blog

'You may have seen this graphic or its cousins floating around on social media lately. I liked it a lot, because it helped me explain some concepts to my 11-year-old, who is suddenly concerned about her purpose in life. I certainly believe that I have found my professional purpose by founding Nonprofit Marketing Guide and am grateful for it every day.

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11 Great Online Giving Tips for #GivingTuesday and Every Day

Nonprofit Marketing Blog

'The countdown is on. In exactly 7 weeks, or 49 days, #GivingTuesday will be here! For many organizations, #GivingTuesday will launch the giving season, fueling energy and excitement that will carry through to year-end. We’ve written a series of posts to help you make the most of #GivingTuesday. Today, we’re focused on one of the most important year-end strategies for any organization: creating a compelling online presence and outreach campaign to inspire support. 11 to-do’s for #GivingTuesday a

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Show Me What You’re Talking About: The Power of Visual Language

Mission Minded

'Recently, I attended a forum on education. I rose early, drove to the elegant downtown ballroom, poured myself a coffee with cream and two sugars, and took my seat, ready to listen. The session began, and eight superintendents representing urban, suburban, and rural districts responded to questions about the state of education in their districts, […].

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4 Great Nonprofit Trainings this Month in The Nonprofit Academy!

Fundraising Coach

'A few weeks ago, The Nonprofit Academy joined the Fundraising Coach. With over 50 webinars, templates, and tools in the NPA Online Vault, it''s already a great resource for affordable, efficient, and effective nonprofit trainings. But members typically get one new online training and one coaching call with me each month too. October is special for Nonprofit Academy members!

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The Trillion Dollar Fundraising Time Bomb

The Agitator

'This is an alert for those rare and very adept boards, CEOs and fundraisers who seriously plan beyond the next 36 months. You’re in BIG TROUBLE. Why? Student loans. The smoke alarm hasn’t yet gone off. And it probably won’t for some time. But for those fundraisers who genuinely care about the long-term future, as opposed to those hopping to their next job, there’s a BIG problem coming.

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Show-Not-Tell Message Power (Case Study: Breast Cancer Action)

Getting Attention

'Breath this in deeply. It’s a strong model of that golden communications rule: Show, Don’t Tell. Here, on its Facebook page, Breast Cancer Action (BCA) zigs rather than zags, with memorable results. See post in full size here. Most nonprofits would have simply told folks that pink-labeled water bottles is pinkwashing, and leave it at that.

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My Year-End Advice? Use real words. Mostly verbs. Not too much.

Kivi's Nonprofit Communications Blog

'Photo credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/28681973@N00/15053486347/. OK, copywriters. Listen up. It’s year-end fundraising time. You’re probably planning to crank up your nonprofit’s email schedule with fundraising appeals in December. How many are you going to send? One, four, six? No matter how many you send, let’s all agree that you’ll send one e-appeal on Dec. 31.

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8 Great Ways to End Your Emails or Letters


'I thought I’d see how many powerful ways I could end an email or letter in 10 minutes. Ready… Go! 1. [First name], I’m really counting on you! 2. [First name], when you look back on this moment, you’ll be so glad you [mission-oriented copy here]. 3. [First name], this is your chance to make a huge impact on [mission-oriented copy here]. 4.

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Cold Feet About Renaming? 6 hard-won naming insights from other nonprofits that will warm you up.

Mission Minded

'Not every nonprofit that refreshes its brand needs a name change. In fact, we typically counsel our clients to lean against changing their name. Even if it isn’t a great name, it likely has meaning for many of your constituents, and that’s valuable for you. But some nonprofits have reached an important moment in their […].

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Love ‘Em Up Now to Boost Year-End & 2015 Support

Nonprofit Marketing Blog

'This final quarter can shine as the time to generate the donations you need to move your organization’s mission forward, if you do it right. In fact, 40% of online donors make their gifts in December, and that 40% to 60% of those gifts are made the last two days of the month according to superstar fundraiser Gail Perry. Offline giving is up as well in December, says Perry.

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Rockin’ Into The Future

The Agitator

'In 1969, even with my hair in a mega-fro and wearing an embroidered and beaded denim work shirt (or maybe because of that) I was hired as the fundraiser to raise the seed money and help launch a new U.S. citizens’ movement called ‘Common Cause’ My professional colleagues thought I was nuts. Asking $15 a head from citizens to join an organization intending to reform government and end the Vietnam war made absolutely no sense they said.

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Rebrand to Connect: Red Rover Tells All (Case Study-Part 1)

Getting Attention

'Within the first five minutes of meeting Leili Khalessi last year, I learned that she and her colleagues were in the process of rebranding their organization, including a new name. As Marketing and Communications Manager with (what is now) Red Rover , Leili was right in the middle of that challenging project. So I jumped on the opportunity to ask if she’d share the organization’s experience in this marketing adventure.

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Dos and Don’ts for Nonprofit Thank You Letters [FREE Download]

Kivi's Nonprofit Communications Blog

'Sending a thank you letter to your donors is not just the polite thing to do. Nor should it just be a tax receipt. Nonprofit thank you letters need to be thought of as a very important, highly strategic piece of communication. With that in mind, we recently updated our nonprofit thank you letters resource page to include tips and advice based on your personal experience with writing thank you letters.