Donorbox DonationDriver AI: Your Data & Copywriting Assistant

What if you could harness the power of AI to become a helpful fundraising assistant? And what if that assistant had access to all of your fundraising data - pulling compelling insights, helping you nail down your strategy, and writing rockstar-level fundraising copy? Donorbox DonationDriver AI can do all of that and more! In this article, we’ll show you everything you need to start fundraising smarter with AI on your side.

4 minutes read
Donorbox DonationDriver AI: Your Data & Copywriting Assistant

Artificial Intelligence (or AI) is more than just a buzzword – it’s an unstoppable force helping nonprofits level up their fundraising everywhere. Donorbox DonationDriver AI combines the power of AI with all the data available in your Donorbox account to help nonprofits make informed decisions, craft compelling outreach materials, and build better strategies. 

Let’s take a look at what this assistant can do for you!

How DonationDriver AI Works 

If you have a Premium Donorbox account, your DonationDriver Assistant can help sort your data, develop your fundraising strategy, and write customizable copy. 

Simply type your query or prompt into DonationDriver AI and your AI assistant will reply with the data or copy you requested. Here’s a closer look at how each type of query works. 

1. Data 

Donorbox DonationDriver AI helps you sort and pull all your donation and donor data on your account. This includes the following:

  • Donors’ personal information like name, email, and mailing address. 
  • Donation information like amount, payment method, and date of donation.  
  • Campaign names and donation amounts/totals, including Events and Membership campaigns.

For example, your Assistant can tell you who your top 10 donors were last year and provide their names and email addresses for a targeted campaign. You can easily download these results as a CSV file. 

You can also turn this data into a bar, pie, or line chart to visualize your assistant’s response.  

Screenshot showing the option to turn your AI Assistant results

This helps you analyze your fundraising effectiveness, pull lists for targeted outreach, plan your donor stewardship strategy, and more. 

2. Copywriting 

Writer’s block is real. When you need inspiration for a compelling piece of copy, your DonationDriver Assistant provides a jumping-off point that you can fully customize to match your voice, tone, and needs. 

Ask your assistant to write the following materials: 

And more! 

Type your query into the assistant, and the requested text will be generated. You can copy and paste the generated text into another document to edit it to fit your brand voice and any other requirements. 

Screenshot showing how the copywriting feature looks for Donorbox DonationDriver AI.

Sign Up for Premium

How to Use Donorbox DonationDriver AI 

1. Sign up for Premium 

If you aren’t already a Premium Donorbox user, it’s easy to sign up for a custom plan! Simply book a Premium Demo to be connected with our Sales team. 

Enjoy a lower platform fee and your choice of perks like a dedicated account manager, guided onboarding, priority tech support, powerful integrations, and more. Learn more here!

2. Locate your DonationDriver Assistant 

Log in to your Donorbox account. On the left side of your screen, scroll to the “Engage” section of your account menu. There, you’ll find the “AI Assistant” label. Click this option!

3. Make your query

3.1 Choose from the provided queries

For quick access to your data, simply select a query from the list provided. Select the Data tab for data-related queries and the Copywriting tab to generate text. 

Screenshot showing where to access the Data and Copywriting provided queries on DonationDriver AI.


Simply click the query you want to test out and review the results!

3.2 Type your own query

Looking for unique data or copy that our provided queries won’t cover? Feel free to type your own query into the box and click “Ask”! Below, we’ll share four tips for using DonationDriver AI that will help you craft the perfect query. 

Screenshot shows the option to type your own query into DonationDriver AI.

4. Download or visualize your data

For data queries, you have two options:

4.1 Download 

Once you have all the information you need, click the “Download CSV” button. Rename the file for easy access later and use it to send segmented email campaigns, mailings, and more. 

Screenshot showing the location of the "Download CSV" button on DonationDriver AI.

4.2 Visualize 

If desired, you can easily visualize your data as a bar, pie, or line chart by clicking the corresponding button. If your data isn’t graphable, you’ll see blank charts in these areas. 

Screenshot showing all the data visualization options available on DonationDriver AI.

5. Save your copy 

After you’ve generated the copy you need, simply copy and paste it to another document to personalize it to fit your needs. 

Screenshot showing the DonationDriver copywriting feature.

4 Tips for Using DonationDriver AI 

Our AI Assistant is easy to use. But with all things AI, it’s important to know these four key tips to get the best responses and make the most out of your Assistant.

1. Be specific 

The more specific you are, the better your results will be. Think about your AI Assistant like you would a human assistant. If someone doesn’t have all the information they need upfront, they won’t be able to give you the best answer to your question. 

For example, here are two queries: 

  • Show me all of my top donors 
  • Show me all donors who gave over $5,000 in 2023 

The second query is more specific and will result in more useful data. 

2. Ask for everything you need 

Similar to the point above, don’t be afraid to ask for all the information you need in your queries! 

For example, if you’re pulling a list for an email campaign, what’s one thing you should ask your Assistant to pull? Email addresses, of course!

Your query could be something like this: 

  • Give me a list of all donors who gave last month and provide their names and email addresses

And you’ll then get the corresponding list. If you’d like to add on the donation amounts, you can get even more specific: 

  • Give me a list of all donors who gave last month and provide their names, email addresses, and donation amount

Be sure to ask your DonationDriver Assistant for everything you need to make your life easy! 

3. Try again 

If you don’t get the information you’re looking for right away, don’t fret. Sometimes simply rewording your query will do the trick! 

Try again with different wording or reorder the things you’re looking for. You may not be phrasing your query with words the AI tool understands.  

4. Always double-check 

Nobody’s perfect – and this includes AI! Always double-check the information DonationDriver AI pulls against your records to be sure it’s correct before making any final decisions. 


AI is here to stay – and it’s time to use it to fundraise smarter. Whether you’re an AI pro or just getting started, Donorbox DonationDriver AI makes pulling the data and copy you need as easy as typing a query. 

Ready to meet your AI Assistant? Sign up for a Premium Demo to discuss your fundraising needs with our Donorbox experts! They’ll help you put together a personalized plan full of powerful fundraising tools and perks. 

For more fundraising tips, check out the rest of our Nonprofit Blog. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive the best of the blog straight to your inbox every month! 

Lindsey Baker

Lindsey spent years wearing many hats in the nonprofit world. Whether she was helping arts nonprofits with their messaging and content, planning a fundraising gala, writing an NEA grant proposal, or running a membership program with over 400 members, she learned how to navigate – and appreciate! – the fast-paced world of fundraising. Now, she loves sharing those hard-earned lessons with the Donorbox community.

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