How nonprofit communicators work – especially with social media – is changing all the time.  But no matter what platform you are on or whatever algorithm changes the social media companies throw at you, if you focus on earning trust and influence then you’ll be fine. A great way to earn the trust of and influence your followers is to share updates, photos, graphics, and videos that are relevant to them.

But how do you do this?

Well, we just happen to have a handy-dandy checklist for you and lots of blog posts that show you how.

The 6 Rs of Message Relevance

When you are trying to create messaging that is more relatable to your readers, use the following characteristics:

  1. Rewarding
  2. Realistic
  3. Real-Time
  4. Responsive
  5. Revealing
  6. Refreshing

It basically boils down to answering the question: So What?

Why should your followers care about that update, photo, graphic, or video you shared? Using the 6 Rs of Message Relevance will help you answer that question.

  1. Rewarding. The benefits of following through on the call to action in the message are clear.
  2. Realistic. Following through on the message is doable, because any obvious barriers are addressed.
  3. Real Time. The message feels timely and works within the context of current events and other influences.
  4. Responsive. The message proves that you are listening, and taking people’s concerns and ideas into account.
  5. Revealing. New information or perspectives are shared, or you are telling a dramatic, engaging story that unfolds over time (in other words, you get us hooked).
  6. Refreshing. The message is delivered with personality — with an interesting, authentic style.

For tips and ideas on how to use each R see these previous posts:

And here is that checklist I promised you. You can save the image below or download the pdf.

Try to check off at least two of these from our 6 Rs of Relevant Messaging: Rewarding, Realistic, Real-Time, Responsive, Revealing, Refreshing

Published On: May 14, 2024|Categories: Creating Relevant and Engaging Messaging|