Another potential Twitter-killer has entered the ring, but this one already has some pretty big social media guns backing it. Threads is a new app from Meta that is already connected to your Instagram account. Should your nonprofit try Threads? Maybe…

What Is Threads?

According to Meta:

And Instagram shared these takeaways:

  • Threads is a new app, built by the Instagram team, for sharing text updates and joining public conversations.
  • You log in using your Instagram account and posts can be up to 500 characters long and include links, photos, and videos up to 5 minutes in length.
  • We’re working on Threads soon being compatible with the open, interoperable social networks that we believe can shape the future of the internet.

So Threads is Instagram, but text only? Yes, that’s just Twitter.

But considering the once super popular Twitter is projected to lose 32 million users worldwide by 2024, it’s not surprising that Meta would try to capitalize on the turmoil at Twitter. And Meta has a history of poaching top features of other apps like creating Stories based on Snapchat’s model.

Should your nonprofit join Threads?

You have to have an Instagram account to join Threads. So if you have an Instagram account,  I honestly don’t see any harm in your nonprofit trying out Threads. You can import all of your account information from Instagram (including who you follow) to the Threads app making it very easy to set up.

Also, if you left Twitter due to the everything that has happened surrounding the Elon Musk-takeover and have been looking for a replacement, then I think you should give Threads a try. Because this is backed by Meta and already has a potential built-in audience that other contenders like Mastodon didn’t have, Threads could have the best shot at working for you.

The features are pretty much the same as Twitter – you can like, repost and quote. So there is not much of a learning curve involved. Just post the same type of content you were posting to Twitter.  (Although, Threads does not appear to use hashtags at this time.)

If you just can. not. add. another. thing. to. your. plate and have not been looking for a Twitter replacement, then no worries. Just wait this one out.

Or if you left Facebook because of privacy concerns, etc., then you won’t want to join Threads either.

Right now, the vibe there seems laid back and fun, but we’ll see how that changes as more people join.

We created an account, but would much rather throw our time and energy into our Private Community that is part of a Free Membership to our Learning Center.

Did your nonprofit join Threads? Let us know!

Published On: July 6, 2023|Categories: Social Media|