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Intelligent Copywriting with AI

Published by Tristan Amaya

A beginner’s guide to using Jasper and ChatGPT artificial intelligence models for more creative and compelling copywriting. Discover the types of content AI can help you improve, how to use templates, craft more effective prompts, generate new marketing angles, and a handful of other tricks to get the most out of your next chat session.

Table of Contents:

1. When to Use AI for Your Copywriting

  • Writing Body Copy
  • Creating Headlines/Descriptions
  • Generating Value Props

2. Crafting Better Prompts for Better Answers

  • Using F.A.C.T.S. to Write Better AI Prompts
  • Basic Templates

3. Additional Tricks to Writing with AI

  • Temperature
  • Skip the Pleasantries
  • Addressing the AI
  • Piling the Task Load
  • Layering Copy
  • Let the AI teach itself

1. When to Use AI for Your Copywriting

The value of AI copywriting depends entirely upon your expectations. It’s a tool, not another employee. If you’re anticipating fully polished and “human sounding” content in minutes you’ll likely give up after a few attempts. Which is a shame, because its usefulness is so much more than an amusing novelty. If nothing more, AI can be the writer’s creative backboard; a way to combat the tunnel vision and writer’s block that often leads us to stale copy.

What types of content can I use AI to create?

A. Body Copy

I’ll begin here because this is what we all want from AI, but it’s probably where the shortcomings are most glaring. Yes, AI can provide you a starting draft for chunks of body copy ranging from Facebook ads to landing pages and emails. In that sense, it can be a helpful way to build momentum for your writing. It’s easier to edit than start from scratch, but be prepared to edit. A word of warning is when AI tries to fulfill longer forms of copy, it might make statements that aren’t actually accurate to your organization/product. Any statistics and claims the AI pulls in should be double-checked.

The key on this point is that the quality of the writing you’ll receive on longer blocks of text like this will only be as good as your prompts. It’s not just what you ask the AI, but how. Currently, ChatGPT only has one way to input queries, which is a chat structure where you can ask the model a question, it will answer, and you can then hone or build upon that answer with other questions. A model like Jasper accomplishes this variety through different templates. Some format your copy into marketing structures like AIDA or PASO, others are divided into parts of copy like Email Subject Lines, Amazon Product Descriptions, Headlines, etc. Both styles of inputs have strengths and weaknesses.

For creating body copy Jasper has countless templates but the one I’d recommend starting with is the Command Template. This is the most straightforward way of creating quality body copy, whether ads and emails or landing pages. The input logic is simple. Create your command of what you want Jasper to do, then in the second box provide background information for Jasper like what you want it to focus on or details about the subject. Jasper will provide you with three different options to pick and choose from. 

ChatGPT & Body Copy
For copy with lengths of 300 words and more, I’ve found the most consistent results with ChatGPT. One helpful advantage to writing with ChatGPT is the ability to build upon your first prompt, but oftentimes the quality of that first result makes it easy to do so. Here’s an example of what that could look like creating a 300-word ad copy.

Command: Write a 300-word ad focusing on why someone should donate books to schools. This ad should provide at least three emotional and compelling reasons that would appeal to audiences who believe in the importance of an education that is thorough in history, literature, and imparts a love for learning. The primary fear of this audience is that today’s schools aren’t providing students with enough pathways to learn their interests, understand history, and an appreciation for reading. Use a persuasive tone with a temperature of 0.4

Results: Are you concerned that today’s schools aren’t providing students with enough pathways to learn their interests, understand history, and develop a love for reading? If so, consider donating books to schools to make a positive impact on the education of our next generation.

Firstly, donating books to schools helps to foster a love for reading in students. A book is more than just a collection of words on paper – it has the power to spark the imagination, transport the reader to different worlds, and inspire a lifelong love of learning. By donating books to schools, you can help ignite a passion for reading in students, encouraging them to explore new ideas and expand their knowledge beyond the classroom.

Secondly, donating books to schools can help to fill the gaps in their library collections. Many schools lack the resources to purchase the latest and greatest books, leaving students without access to a diverse range of literature. By donating books, you can help to provide students with the opportunity to explore different genres, cultures, and historical events that they may not have otherwise been exposed to.

Finally, donating books to schools can help to preserve the history and culture of our world. Books are an important part of our collective history, containing stories and perspectives that help us understand our past and shape our future. By donating books to schools, you can help ensure that students have access to the knowledge and insights that have shaped our world.

In conclusion, donating books to schools is a powerful way to make a positive impact on the education of our next generation. By fostering a love for reading, filling the gaps in school library collections, and preserving the history and culture of our world, you can help ensure that students have the tools they need to succeed in life. So why not donate a book today and make a difference in the life of a student?

Not bad at all! So, where to go from here? Well, you likely wouldn’t want the copy so rigid in structure (First, Second, Finally, Conclusion, etc.) and perhaps this is where you’d like to fill in with more details unique to the work your organization is doing—details ChatGPT would not have the context for. These are changes you could either make yourself, or that you could follow up with in another prompt educating ChatGPT for a revision.

For example, your second follow-up prompt could look like this:

Prompt: Rewrite the above content to be less rigid, and remove callouts to the structure of the ad like firstly secondly, finally, and in conclusion. Assistant, rewrite the final point to be about the books [name of organization] has created specifically for students that teaches about American history in a way that’s also fun and engaging for all ages. 

B. Headlines

Perhaps AI’s greatest asset to the copywriter comes with tackling content that requires multiplicity more so than dense or nuanced content. Headlines are the perfect example of this!

Google Ad Headlines and Descriptions that require the writer to create several options within character constraints aren’t complex, but can be time consuming. With AI, you can create 20-30 headline/description options within seconds.

Here’s an example of a query below using Jasper’s Chat feature, and the same prompt could be used with similar results in ChatGPT.

Prompt: Create 20 taglines with 5 words or less that advertise a free online course, “The Rise and Fall of the Roman Republic.” In this free twelve-lecture course, students will explore the fascinating history of the Roman Republic from its founding to the assassination of Julius Caesar. They should be focused on the fact that it’s a free, easy way to learn about this topic from a group of highly respected scholars. Use an attention-grabbing and intriguing tone that’s directed towards students and those interested in Ancient history.


  • Unlock Roman Republic’s Secrets.
  • Learn Rome’s Story FREE
  • Scholars Unveil Roman Republic.
  • Study Ancient Rome Now!
  • Fascinating History Awaits You.
  • Get a Crash Course in Rome.
  • Deep Dive Into Roman Republic.
  • Plunge into Ancient History!
  • Explore the Fall of Rome!
  • Discover Julius Caeser’s Fate!
  • Learn the Rise of Rome Now!
  • A Scholarly Look at the Roman Republic.
  • 12 Lectures on Roman Republic are Here!
  • Trace Ancient Rome’s Beginnings.
  • Try Out Historical Research!
  • Experienced Scholars Guide You!
  • Enter Ancient History with Ease!
  • The Best Way to Explore Roman Republic.

Note: When writing headlines, Jasper and ChatGPT don’t seem to respond well to character limits as a parameter, so use a word count instead if you want to limit the length, then you can adjust as needed.

C. Value Props

This portion is less about copy, and more about how we write. We can easily get mired into repetition, putting our clients into the same two or three boxes; assuming that this is how we always market their offers and this is what their audience cares about.

Again, I like the visual of AI as a creative backboard to volley ideas back and forth between writer and system spurring us onto new angles and better copy. With the right approach, AI models can provide you interesting new marketing angles to approach your copy.

The quality here can vary, but the best I’ve seen consistently for this task would have to be ChatGPT. Jasper has also developed a beta for a similar chatbot style feature though not quite at the same level.

How to generate new value props and marketing angles with AI

  1. At the most basic, your prompt should be this structure, “Provide 5 compelling reasons why someone should [desired action].” You can add to that, these reasons should be [insert adjective] and appeal to someone who [type of audience].
  2. Take a step back from the offer and focus on the underlying ask. If you want someone to download an ebook, you likely won’t get the results you’re after by prompting the AI to provide you with 5 reasons why someone should download the ebook. Instead, what would the ebook achieve? A way to learn about American history? Start a daily prayer habit? Test inserting that as your desired action.
  3. Reverse it! Instead of asking the AI to provide you with 5 reasons to do something, ask it to overcome an objection. Why would someone not want to fulfill your desired action?

Here’s an example of this below:

Prompt: Provide 5 compelling points that overcome the objection of someone who does not want to donate books to schools because they don’t see why they should care about the curriculum of a school their child doesn’t attend. These reasons should be convincing, logical, and emotionally resonant to a person who believes literacy is important. Use a temperature of .3


  1. Literacy is essential for a healthy democracy and economy: A literate population is necessary for a thriving democracy and economy. Reading is not only essential for personal growth and development but also for functioning in society. By donating books to schools, you are helping to ensure that children have the resources they need to become literate adults and active participants in their communities.
  2. The joy of reading is universal: Reading is not just about learning specific subjects or topics, but also about the joy of discovery, imagination, and creativity. By donating books to schools, you are helping to provide children with access to books that can expand their horizons and introduce them to new worlds and ideas.
  3. Equal access to education is fundamental: All children, regardless of their background or circumstances, have the right to a quality education. By donating books to schools, you are helping to level the playing field and provide equal opportunities for all students, regardless of their socioeconomic status.
  4. Investing in education benefits society as a whole: Education is an investment in the future, and by donating books to schools, you are helping to ensure that future generations have the skills and knowledge they need to make the world a better place. Your contribution may not benefit your child directly, but it can have a ripple effect on society as a whole.
  5. Teaching children to love reading benefits everyone: When children learn to love reading, they become more engaged in school and are more likely to achieve academic success. This, in turn, benefits society as a whole by producing a more educated and productive workforce, and by reducing the likelihood of social problems like poverty and crime.

In conclusion, donating books to schools is a meaningful way to invest in the future of our society, and can benefit not only individual students but also our communities as a whole.

2. Crafting Better Prompts for Better Answers

As we’ve touched on, the quality of an AI’s answers depend not just on what the ask is, but how they are asked. Your prompts should be direct, but very detailed. You aren’t writing an email to a friend, use clear-cut sentences that provide the AI with as much detail to work from as possible.

What should I include in my prompt?

F: Focus A: Audience C: Content T: Tone S: Style

Especially when trying to write body copy like ads, landing pages, or emails, you should be including all 5 of these details in your prompt.


The most effective AI copywriting will result from you telling it exactly what you want it to focus on. That means more than just “Write an ad about this,” it means telling it to focus on one particular aspect at a time. That could be “Focus on how providing books to schools can help ensure a well-rounded education for students,” or “Focus on how this at-home exercise plan can work for even the busiest schedules.”

At times, you may make these more general if you want to give room to see what the AI comes up with, but you might lose some quality.


For the type of work we do, this inclusion probably made the most noticeable difference in the answers I received from the AI. Describe the type of audience the content would appeal to. A really direct way is to say, “This content would appeal to an audience who believes [something that the audience uniquely values] and [something that the audience uniquely fears].”

In one of the examples above this translated to, “This content would appeal to an audience who values regular exercise and fears not being able to find time for it.”

Content: This is an area where the AI is surprisingly perceptive. Rather than just “Write 5 reasons” or “explain why” tell the AI specifically what it’s writing: “Create an email/landing page/Facebook ad etc.” It oftentimes will drastically change the tone and end result. Also, consider including a target word count as this will also help the AI contextualize the content you’re creating.


Words like academic, conversational, and semi-professional will greatly change how the AI responds. You can even use major figures or organizations like, “In the style of The New York Times.” This is also where the temperature feature comes in, if you’re unfamiliar with how it works you can jump here.

Style: This is another example where it can take some practice to remember that you aren’t talking to a person. Experiment with adjectives here: persuasive, compelling, emotional, witty, entertaining, unique, etc. All of these prompts might leave a writer scratching their heads or waiting for you to elaborate further, but adjectives like these make a big impact on how the AI answers.

All this leads us to a series of pre-structured templates that you can fill in with your specific client information and begin receiving back copy!


A. General Template: Write a [word count] [copy form] focusing on why someone should [desired action], providing [number of] [adjective/emotion] reasons. This ad should appeal to someone who believes [description of audience values + fears of audience]. Use a [desired tone].

B. Email Template: Write a [word count] [email] focusing on why someone should [desired action], providing [number of] [adjective/emotion] reasons. This email should be written from the perspective of [sender and their role] and be written in the style of someone personally addressing a friend. The email should appeal to someone who believes [description of audience values + fears of audience].

C. Value Prop Template: Write [number] of [adjective] reasons why someone should [desired action]. These reasons should be [desired tone or adjectives] and be convincing to someone who [[description of audience values + fears of audience].

D. Headline Template: Create [number] of headlines with less than [number of words] for an [offer description]. These headlines should catch the eye of an audience who’s interested in [desires/fears].

These four templates can be varied and experimented with, you’ll be surprised how the inclusion of certain details will significantly change the result.

That’s the main takeaway on this point: experiment! You’ll begin to learn the types of adjectives or tone directive that work for your audience, or the best audience descriptions to get the copy you want. Find the parameters that work for your client.

3. Additional Tricks to Writing with AI

  1. Using Temperature Temperature is a way for the AI to weigh the formality/conservatism of its answer versus creativity/randomness. You can adjust this on a scale of 0.1 – 0.9 by including it in the same section of your prompt as the tone/style. For example, “Use a tone that’s conversational and friendly with a temperature of 0.7” The higher up you go, usually the more human the copy sounds. It may be too relaxed on certain topics, but it’s an excellent way to control how out of the box you want the AI to think.
  2. Skip the pleasantries The AI is scanning your prompt for usable data. Words like please, thank you, could you don’t provide it with anything useful and in my experience have just confused the response.
  1. Address the AI ChatGPT is programmed to recognize itself as Assistant, likewise Jasper’s chat feature will recognize itself as Jasper. Especially when you have long prompts, this is an easy way to communicate a new command on top of an old one, or signal to the model that you’re beginning a new one.
  2. Pile on that task load! The AI is not a person. When writing your prompts, it makes no difference to the AI whether you ask it to generate 1 new ad option or 10! Often this is how I’ll get the best results. I can single out one I like the most and ask the AI to create another in that style or I can pull bits and pieces from the many different options myself.
  3. Break your copy into pieces and layers This is one of the best ways to create copy in the ChatGPT model. Because the AI can remember past information from the thread, an effective way to write a larger body of copy is by breaking it into chunks. Prompt it to come up with three points, have it write the intro, have it fill in the first, second, and third point, then write a close. As you go, you can also hone its response. If an answer comes back that you don’t like, tell it to revise it with how you do want it.

This also helps the AI to learn, which leads into the next tip.

6. Not sure what to do next? Ask the AI This is where it gets a little meta… but also, pretty cool. Both in Jasper and ChatGPT you can ask the AI how best to use it. For example, if you submit a prompt that doesn’t generate the result you’d like, ask the AI how to improve it.

”Your answer sounds too impersonal and doesn’t properly address the [issue] I asked you to focus on. What’s a better way to word my prompt?”

This is how a lot of tricks like the ones above were discovered.

Another trick I’ve used is to provide it with an ad or landing page and ask the AI, “Why do you think this landing page copy is convincing?” The AI will answer, then I’ll create my prompt starting with “Replicating those same qualities, create a…”

This trick especially helps when the AI just isn’t doing what you want. Ask it, why did you answer this way? Why did you focus on that reason? It’s a great way to see where a part of your prompt might be confusing the model, then you can adapt!

In Conclusion,

In its current form, AI can’t replace the clarity, pathos, and ingenuity of a writer at the keyboard who has taken the time to study their client, know their value prop, and speak to their audience. What it can do is act as a tool to hone your writing ability, think outside the box, and create usable content in a pinch with minimal time and some resourceful editing.

AI continues to improve with each day, I’m sure it won’t be long till even this guide is outdated. Till then, good luck!

Published by Tristan Amaya
