How to be More Sustainable in Selling Clothes Online

The fashion industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world. Here’s how you can become more Sustainable when selling clothes online.

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The fashion industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world. To be more precise, when using the traditional methods of making, selling and buying clothes particularly. People are trying to raise awareness across all aspects of our lives to preserve our planet and its limited resources. The same is true for the fashion industry. If you own fashion business or you’re about to start one, you might want to consider making it more sustainable. There are several plausible ways to do that. The good news is that both retailers and buyers can be more sustainable in selling and buying clothes.

So, to be more eco-friendly in doing your fashion business, there are a few things you should do. First things first, you should start by offering more eco-friendly delivery options. Then, you should consider your packaging – it could probably use some modification. Moreover, you should revise your policy on returned items and consider giving up free returns – more on that later. As far as shipping is concerned, you should ship in bundles to enhance sustainability. 

Offer more eco-friendly delivery options

As transportation of goods has a huge (negative) impact on the environment, you should start with adapting it to be more sustainable. What you can do is offer more eco-friendly delivery options. You can use electric or hybrid cars for that, electric scooters or bicycles as well as drones. They definitely lower our carbon footprint. You can even ask customers before finishing their order if they’d consider a slower delivery to save a few trees. A study was conducted where participants were asked whether they’d opt for slower delivery if that would save a few trees. Surprisingly, many people were willing to wait a bit for their delivery. Why trees? Well, it’s more convenient as people understand that rather than speaking about how much carbon emissions you’d save.

Reconsider packaging

Another thing that plays a key role in raising sustainability levels is the packaging. That’s why you can see a lot of brands abandoning plastic packaging altogether and moving to more eco-friendly alternatives. You can use recycled paper or cardboard, for instance. To decrease the amount of solid waste, use packaging that’s suitable for the order. Avoid too big packaging.

Ship in bundles

Moreover, you can be more sustainable by encouraging people to shop in bundles. To motivate people to buy in bundles, what fashion brands often do is offer free delivery if you spend a certain amount of money. For instance, if people order baby clothes in Australia from certain brands, they get free delivery if they spend more than 150$. That’s beneficial both for the environment and you, as the retailer. As far as customers are concerned, they can always team up with a family member, a friend or a neighbour to make a larger purchase together. Buying in bulks isn’t going to be more eco-friendly if people buy lots of stuff they don’t actually need. So, keep that in mind.

Give up free returns

Many brands worldwide offer the option of free returns if they buy things that are not suitable for them. However, even though this is quite an offer, many people take advantage of it. How do they do that? Well, they consciously order more things that they need, because they know they will return some of them. And for sustainability, that means more carbon emissions due to double transportation back and forth. If you make people pay for returns, on the other hand or at least split transportation costs, they will think twice before ordering too many things. Observe it as stimulation to be more sustainable when shopping.

Be smart about the returned items

When it comes to returned items, be smart about them. Don’t just send them to the landfill. Instead, try selling them again. You can also consider recycling or donating them. Everything is better than returned items filling the already overly filled landfills.

Even though these are small things that every fashion business owner can do, they mean a lot to our planet. If we would all be just a little bit sustainable in living our lives, our planet would be thankful to us.


What does it mean to sell clothes online sustainably? Selling clothes online sustainably means using eco-friendly practices throughout the sales process, from sourcing and manufacturing to packaging and shipping. It involves minimizing environmental impact and promoting ethical labor practices.

How can I source sustainable materials for online clothing sales? Opt for materials that are organic, recycled, or sustainably harvested. Popular sustainable fabrics include organic cotton, recycled polyester, and Tencel. Working with certified suppliers can also ensure that materials are sourced responsibly.

What are the best platforms for selling sustainable clothing online? Platforms like Etsy, eBay, and Depop are popular for sellers focused on sustainability because they allow the promotion of eco-friendly and second-hand items. Additionally, creating a dedicated online store can help establish a brand’s sustainable ethos.

How can packaging be made more sustainable in online clothing sales? Use biodegradable or recycled materials for packaging. Options include recycled cardboard boxes, biodegradable mailing bags, and paper tape. Avoiding plastic and minimizing packaging size also reduces waste.

What shipping practices enhance sustainability for online clothing stores? Offer carbon-neutral shipping options, consolidate shipments, and choose logistics partners committed to sustainability. Encouraging customers to choose slower shipping options can also reduce carbon emissions.

How can I verify the sustainability of my clothing supply chain? Conduct audits, require certifications such as Fair Trade and GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard), and maintain transparency in your sourcing and manufacturing processes to ensure sustainability standards are met.

What marketing strategies can promote sustainability in online clothing sales? Highlight the sustainable aspects of your products in your marketing materials. Use social media, blogs, and newsletters to educate customers about the benefits of sustainable fashion and your brand’s commitment to it.

Can offering a repair service make my online clothing business more sustainable? Yes, providing a repair service helps extend the lifespan of garments, reduces waste, and emphasizes a commitment to sustainability. It encourages customers to value durability and quality over fast fashion trends.

How can engaging with customers improve sustainability in selling clothes online? Engage customers through educational content and community-building initiatives focused on sustainability. Feedback loops can also be established to gather insights on customers’ preferences for sustainable practices and products.

What are the benefits of adopting a sustainable model for selling clothes online? Benefits include building brand loyalty among environmentally conscious consumers, reducing environmental impact, and potentially qualifying for sustainability-related grants and incentives. It also positions a brand as a leader in ethical practices.

How can I measure the impact of my sustainability efforts in online clothing sales? Use metrics such as the reduction in carbon footprint, waste reduction rates, and changes in consumer satisfaction. Tools like lifecycle assessment (LCA) can help quantify the environmental benefits of your sustainable practices.

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