Why You Should Personalize Your Online Magazine

Tips to get you started

GlobalOwls individuals

Hi! Would you like some online magazine tips? If we had used your name in the first sentence, then it would have been a lot more likely that you would have continued reading. All of us are sensitive to personal attention after all. What’s more, it gives lots of people a huge boost. Not only in everyday life, but also online.

Look at companies such as Coolblue, Peerby, KLM and Travelbird that are hugely successful online. They make things easier for their customers by offering them a perfect user experience and excellent customer service, but also by addressing them personally.

22 percent increase in magazine visit duration

Although it might not be hard psychology, the numbers do not lie: if your name is used in an email or magazine, you are more likely to click on links or to continue reading. The CPC run Rotterdam’s running magazine showed that personalization increased the duration of visits to the online magazine by 22 percent.

Thousands of runners received a magazine the day after the event. The runner is addressed using his or her first and last names and personal finishing time. The runner’s finish photo really is the icing on the cake.

3 applications for personalization

applications for personalization

Personalization is possible in text, photos or forms using a person’s name, job title or other customer information. Our magazines allow you to not only personalize the start page, but also other pages throughout your publication.

1. Address the reader personally

This Dutch magazine from the “Hartekampgroep” addresses the reader personally, which leads to a stronger connection between content and reader. The magazine is opened more often, more pages are read and the average duration of a visit increases.

2. Personalize content for your reader

This magazine from TATA steel comes as a pleasant, personalized surprise for runners of the TCS Amsterdam Marathon. It features their own finish photo and finish time on the cover.

3. Prefill forms for a better conversion rate

In our very own news update, we prefill forms with information that’s already available to us in advance. This removes possible friction for readers because they won’t have to fill it in themselves and makes it even easier to fill out forms.

Give something away to convince visitors

Of course, having an excellent database is crucial. Start building a good database today if you want to successfully employ personalization. Lower the threshold for visitors to fill in forms. Some details such as name and email address are useful for personalization. Every additional question increases the chance that the reader will quit filling in the form. Offer a gift that entices the reader to fill in their information. An example is the white paper function that we have recently added. Of course you can also collect data using your existing email address list, newsletter or social media.


What Is a Personalized Digital Magazine?

A personalized digital magazine is a digital publication that tailors its content to the preferences, interests, and behavior of individual readers.

How Does Personalization Work in Digital Magazines?

Personalization uses algorithms and user data to curate content, recommend articles, and display relevant ads based on a reader’s history and preferences.

Why Is Personalization Important in Digital Magazines?

Personalization enhances the reading experience, increases engagement, and helps readers discover content that matches their interests.

What Types of Content Can Be Personalized in Digital Magazines?

Content that can be personalized includes articles, images, videos, advertisements, and recommendations for related articles.

Do Readers Have Control Over Their Personalization Settings?

Yes, readers often have control over their personalization settings, allowing them to adjust preferences and opt in or out of certain recommendations.

Is Personalized Content Privacy-Friendly?

Many digital magazines prioritize reader privacy by anonymizing data and adhering to data protection regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA.

Can Personalization Be Applied to Print Magazines?

Personalization in print magazines is challenging, but some publications use variable data printing to create limited personalized content, such as covers or inserts.

How Does Personalization Impact Advertising in Digital Magazines?

Personalization can make advertising more relevant, leading to higher click-through rates and better ROI for advertisers.

What Technologies Are Used for Personalization in Digital Magazines?

Technologies include machine learning, data analytics, user profiling, and content recommendation engines.

Are There Examples of Successful Personalized Digital Magazines?

Yes, many digital publications, such as news websites, e-commerce platforms, and content aggregators, use personalization to great effect, enhancing user engagement and retention.

Can Personalization Enhance Reader Loyalty to Digital Magazines?

Yes, personalization can foster reader loyalty by consistently delivering content that aligns with their interests and preferences.

How Can Readers Provide Feedback on Personalization Effectiveness?

Readers can provide feedback through surveys, ratings, and feedback forms within the digital magazine platform.

Are There Any Downsides to Personalized Digital Magazines?

Downsides may include concerns about data privacy, the risk of creating echo chambers, and the potential for over-targeting or over-personalization.

Can Personalized Content Be Shared with Others?

In many cases, personalized content can be shared with others through social media, email, or direct links, allowing readers to recommend articles to friends.

What Challenges Do Publishers Face When Implementing Personalization?

Challenges include collecting and analyzing user data, ensuring data privacy compliance, and developing effective personalization algorithms.

Can Personalized Digital Magazines Adapt to Changing Reader Interests?

Yes, personalization algorithms can adapt to changing reader interests by continuously analyzing behavior and updating recommendations accordingly.

Do Personalized Digital Magazines Offer Customization Beyond Content?

Some personalized digital magazines allow readers to customize their reading experience by choosing layout options, fonts, and themes.

Can Personalization Be Applied to Subscription-Based Digital Magazines?

Yes, personalization can be applied to subscription-based digital magazines to enhance the value and relevance of content for subscribers.

What Are the Benefits of Personalization for Advertisers?

Advertisers benefit from personalization by reaching a more targeted audience, increasing ad relevance, and potentially boosting conversion rates.

How Can Publishers Balance Personalization with Editorial Integrity?

Publishers can strike a balance by ensuring that editorial decisions remain independent while using personalization to enhance the reader experience and engagement.

Author bio

Ritesh SheombarRitesh is a digital marketing manager with years of experience in driving growth. He’s currently the director of inbound marketing at Foleon. You can find more about him on his LinkedIn profile.

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