Hear Dolph on the Nonprofit MBA Podcast : Successful Nonprofits

Discussing participatory strategic planning with Stephen Halasnik

Hear Dolph on the Nonprofit MBA Podcast

by GoldenburgGroup

Discussing participatory strategic planning with Stephen Halasnik

Hear Dolph on the Nonprofit MBA Podcast

by GoldenburgGroup

by GoldenburgGroup

Regardless of your nonprofit’s size and objectives, you need a plan to define where you want your organization to be in the years ahead as well as the actions you will take to actualize it. A nonprofit’s strategic plan is the playbook with the strategies and tactics you will employ while also keeping your nonprofit operating. Of course, a nonprofit strategic plan must have the buy-in of every stakeholder to generate maximum impact, and participatory strategic planning will help you build a strong plan with even stronger buy-in from stakeholders.

Dolph recently discussed this with Stephen Halasnik from Financing Solutions on his Nonprofit MBA podcast. You can read an executive summary or listen to the podcast HERE: Keys to Participatory Nonprofit Strategic Planning

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About Stephen Halasnik, The Nonprofit MBA Podcast, and Financing Solutions

Stephen Halasnik is the Cofounder of  Financing Solutions which is the leading provider of business loans for nonprofitsin the form of lines of credit. The credit line program for nonprofits is fast, easy, inexpensive, and costs nothing to set up making it great when cash flow is temporarily down. Mr. Halasnik is also the host of the popular, The Nonprofit MBA Podcast. You can learn more about the nonprofit line of credit program or call 862-207-4118.


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