Top Tips for Planning Eco-Friendly Events [50 Examples Included]

Are you planning to plan an event, but want to be eco-conscious about it? Here are some simple tips for hosting an Eco-Friendly event.

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Who doesn’t love a fun get-together with family and friends? From the backyard barbecue to a birthday bash, most people are happy to find an excuse to plan an event. Unfortunately, as fun as big events might be, they can also be problematic for the environment. 

Large-scale events like weddings are extremely wasteful. The average wedding produces 400 pounds of garbage and 63 tons of CO2. While hosting smaller events obviously has less of an impact, if you plan several of them throughout the year you might end up doing even more damage than a mid-sized wedding. 

Nowadays, people want to be more eco-friendly. One survey found that 77% of individuals want to live more sustainably. The problem? Not everyone knows how to get started. 

Thankfully, planning an eco-friendly event is easier than you might think. If you’re willing to make a few simple swaps and changes, you can ensure your guests will have fun while doing something that gives back to the planet, too. 

Let’s cover a few helpful tips that will make planning eco-friendly events easier for you. 

1. Go Local

We touched on the wastefulness of weddings above, but there are many things you can do when planning a big event like that to make a difference. Whether you’re planning a wedding or another large event, one of the best ways to do something good for the environment is to shop locally. 

If you’re used to working with vendors or ordering things online, consider a different approach for your next event. Almost everything you’ll need can be purchased locally, including: 

  • Food
  • Decorations
  • Flowers

You might even be able to purchase clothing or gifts from a local craftsman or seamstress. Shop your local craft or farmers’ markets to see what you can find. Or you can add your wedding hashtag and get it from a free wedding hashtag generator.

Shopping locally helps by limiting the CO2 emissions and energy waste from supply chains. The more you get your belongings from someone who lives in town, the less demand there will be for transportation of goods across the country. 

If you can’t find everything you’re looking for locally, try to DIY as much as possible. Instead of hiring a caterer that will likely outsource ingredients, buy from your local store and cook the food for the event yourself. DIYing things might take more time and effort, but it’s one of the best ways to stay sustainable and focus on local items. 

2. Practice Minimalism

Minimalism is becoming extremely popular nowadays. People are getting rid of their excess belongings in favor of living without so much chaos and clutter. There are many benefits to a minimalistic lifestyle, including: 

  • It’s easier to clean up
  • It can improve your mental health
  • You’ll spend less
  • It’s more visually appealing

When you take a minimalistic approach to an event, all of the same benefits apply. Plus, it will cut down on the amount of waste you produce. You won’t have to put up as many decorations and you’ll achieve a cleaner, more sophisticated look. You can also choose not to give party favors, limit your guest list, ask for no gifts (if it’s a birthday, wedding, etc.), and have the event at your home or in a public park rather than renting out a big venue. 

Not only will planning a minimalist event make you very “on-trend,” but you’ll be creating a sustainable environment for your guests that everyone can feel good about. Plus, both setting things up and cleaning up after the event will be even easier! 

Speaking of which…

3. Be Conscious About Clean-Up

One of the drawbacks to hosting an event is having to clean up afterward. That might typically include tossing everything into a few trash bags and wiping down the tables. But, there’s no reason you can’t continue to be eco-friendly, even with your clean-up efforts. 

Start by reducing as much waste as possible. Do you have untouched food left over from ordering or making too much? Donate it to your local food bank or homeless shelter. Or, send guests home with “doggy bags” and leftovers they can enjoy later. 

Don’t just automatically throw everything away. Instead, be conscious about what goes in the garbage and what you can reuse or recycle. Set up bins or stations somewhere during your clean-up efforts to make it easier to remember what doesn’t have to be thrown away. If you had a lot of single-use plastic at the event (including water bottles), much of it can be recycled and given new life, instead of contributing to the 13 million tonnes of plastic that end up in the ocean each year.

Finally, make sure you’re using “green” cleaning products. Many traditional cleaning solutions contain harsh chemicals that can be hazardous to the environment. Look for products that contain natural ingredients or harmful chemicals. Eco-friendly cleaning products are less harsh on your skin, better for allergies, and will reduce pollutants in the air while you’re cleaning up. 

There are so many additional things you can do to make your next event more eco-friendly. Keep these tips in mind and get creative with some of your own. When you make sustainable changes, you might inspire others to do the same. The more people who jump on board, the more the planet will benefit. 

Eco-Friendly Event Ideas

Eco-friendly events are a great way to promote sustainability while also providing memorable experiences for participants. Here are 50 ideas that can help make your next event more environmentally friendly:

1. Venue and Setup

  1. Choose an Eco-Friendly Venue: Opt for venues with strong sustainability practices.
  2. Outdoor Events: Utilize natural lighting and reduce energy consumption.
  3. Digital Invitations: Minimize paper waste by using digital invites.
  4. Eco-Friendly Decor: Use biodegradable, recycled, or reusable materials for decorations.
  5. Zero-Waste Stations: Set up areas for recycling, composting, and trash.
  6. Solar-Powered Lighting: Use solar energy for any outdoor lighting needs.
  7. Eco-Friendly Signage: Opt for digital signs or signs made from sustainable materials.

2. Catering and Food

  1. Local and Organic Catering: Choose caterers who use local, organic ingredients.
  2. Vegetarian/Vegan Options: Offer plant-based food options to lower the carbon footprint.
  3. Edible Table Decor: Use fruits and vegetables as centerpieces.
  4. Minimal Packaging: Serve food with minimal to no packaging.
  5. Compostable Serveware: Use biodegradable plates, cups, and utensils.
  6. Water Stations: Provide stations for guests to refill reusable water bottles.
  7. Food Donation: Arrange to donate leftover food to local shelters.

3. Transportation and Accommodation

  1. Encourage Public Transport: Suggest guests use public transportation to the event.
  2. Bike Valet: Offer a bike valet service for those who choose to cycle.
  3. Carpool Options: Facilitate carpooling among guests.
  4. Eco-Friendly Accommodations: Recommend hotels with green certifications.

4. Engagement and Activities

  1. Eco-Workshops: Host workshops on sustainability topics.
  2. Tree Planting: Include a tree-planting activity as part of the event.
  3. Beach or Park Cleanups: Organize cleanups as part of the event activities.
  4. Sustainable Swag: Offer eco-friendly items as giveaways or prizes.
  5. Digital Handouts: Use QR codes for distributing event materials digitally.
  6. Eco-Friendly Team Building: Plan team-building activities that promote sustainability.
  7. Nature Walks: Incorporate guided nature walks to appreciate the environment.

5. Communications and Marketing

  1. Highlight Sustainability: Make the event’s eco-friendly features a key part of its marketing.
  2. Use Social Media: Promote your event’s green initiatives online.
  3. Eco-Friendly Event Apps: Utilize event apps for schedules, maps, and more to reduce paper use.
  4. Sustainability Pledge: Encourage participants to commit to a sustainability action.
  5. Green Sponsors: Partner with eco-conscious brands.

6. Materials and Resources

  1. Reusable Badges: Provide badges that can be returned and reused.
  2. Rent Instead of Buy: Rent equipment and decorations rather than purchasing new.
  3. Eco-Merchandise: Sell merchandise made from sustainable materials.
  4. Sustainable Event Bags: Give out tote bags made from recycled or natural materials.
  5. Digital Tickets: Use electronic tickets to reduce paper waste.
  6. Recycled Paper: If paper is necessary, ensure it’s recycled and recyclable.

7. Energy and Waste Management

  1. Carbon Offsetting: Offer carbon offset options for travel and event production.
  2. Energy Efficient Equipment: Use LED lighting and energy-efficient appliances.
  3. Monitor Energy Use: Keep track of energy consumption to find ways to reduce.
  4. Green Power: Use renewable energy sources if possible.
  5. Waste Audit: Conduct a waste audit to identify reduction opportunities.
  6. Biodegradable Confetti: Choose biodegradable options for any event confetti.

8. Social Impact and Legacy

  1. Support Local Businesses: Utilize local suppliers and vendors.
  2. Sustainability Report: Publish a report on the event’s environmental impact.
  3. Eco-Friendly Partnerships: Collaborate with environmental organizations.
  4. Legacy Projects: Start a sustainability project in the community as a legacy.
  5. Scholarships for Sustainability: Offer scholarships or funding for environmental studies.
  6. Sustainable Event Certification: Aim to get your event certified as sustainable.
  7. Feedback on Sustainability: Collect feedback specifically on eco-friendly practices.
  8. Promote Environmental Causes: Use the event as a platform to support environmental advocacy.

Implementing these ideas can significantly reduce the environmental impact of your event while also educating and inspiring attendees to adopt more sustainable practices in their daily lives.


What are eco-friendly events, and why are they important?

Eco-friendly events are gatherings or functions designed to minimize their environmental impact by incorporating sustainable practices and reducing resource consumption. They are important for promoting environmental consciousness, reducing waste generation, and mitigating the ecological footprint of events.

What are some key features of eco-friendly events?

Some key features of eco-friendly events include using renewable energy sources, minimizing single-use plastics and disposable items, prioritizing waste reduction and recycling, promoting sustainable transportation options, and sourcing local, organic, or fair-trade products.

How can event planners incorporate sustainability into their event design?

Event planners can incorporate sustainability into their event design by selecting eco-friendly venues with green certifications, implementing waste reduction strategies such as composting and recycling, offering plant-based catering options, and using digital invitations and registration systems to minimize paper usage.

What are the benefits of hosting eco-friendly events?

The benefits of hosting eco-friendly events include enhancing brand reputation and credibility, reducing costs associated with waste disposal and resource consumption, fostering community engagement and support, and contributing to environmental conservation efforts.

How can event organizers encourage attendees to participate in eco-friendly practices?

Event organizers can encourage attendees to participate in eco-friendly practices by providing educational materials on sustainability, offering incentives for using sustainable transportation methods, implementing waste sorting stations, and organizing eco-conscious activities such as tree plantings or beach cleanups.

What role do partnerships and collaborations play in organizing eco-friendly events?

Partnerships and collaborations play a crucial role in organizing eco-friendly events by leveraging the expertise and resources of stakeholders such as local businesses, environmental organizations, and government agencies to implement sustainable initiatives and maximize impact.

What are some examples of innovative eco-friendly event practices?

Some examples of innovative eco-friendly event practices include using biodegradable or compostable servingware, incorporating renewable energy sources such as solar panels or wind turbines, implementing water conservation measures, and offsetting carbon emissions through tree planting or carbon offset programs.

How can event organizers measure the environmental impact of their events?

Event organizers can measure the environmental impact of their events by tracking metrics such as energy consumption, waste generation, water usage, and carbon emissions. They can use tools such as sustainability reporting frameworks and environmental impact assessments to quantify and analyze their event’s footprint.

What are some challenges associated with organizing eco-friendly events?

Some challenges associated with organizing eco-friendly events include navigating regulatory requirements and permits, managing logistics for sustainable practices such as waste sorting and composting, overcoming cost barriers for implementing green initiatives, and ensuring buy-in from stakeholders and attendees.

What are the long-term implications of embracing eco-friendly practices in event planning?

Embracing eco-friendly practices in event planning can have long-term implications for sustainability awareness and behavior change, influencing industry norms and standards, and contributing to the global transition toward a more environmentally responsible and resilient future.

Jori HamiltonThis article was written by Jori Hamilton

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