3 challenges freelancers face, and 3 of the best freelancing tools

As a freelancer, there are great opportunities, but also challenges. In this article, we’ll discuss three top challenges and tools.

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Freelancing is becoming increasingly popular as more professionals opt to work from home. Freelancing comes with financial freedom and job flexibility, which makes it even more attractive for many. Whether you are a designer or writer, you need to learn how to manage your time, which is where most freelancers go wrong. Several challenges face freelancers in their quest for financial freedom. These include:

1. Time management

Most people relish being free of bosses and rules, and self-employment looks very attractive. In theory, being self-employed and flexible is very easy. However, self-employment comes with challenges, especially in time management. Employers have clocking systems that ensure their employees clock in when they report for duty. The freedom of not having a boss breathing down your neck as a freelancer tends to throw most freelancers into confusion. However, freelancers and project-based teams can greatly benefit from embracing time tracking tools and techniques to improve project management, enhance productivity, and gain valuable insights into their work patterns. With time tracking, they can efficiently monitor their hours, set clear deadlines, and allocate time effectively, leading to better organization and successful project delivery

Meeting deadlines is crucial if you are to succeed as a freelancer and for client retention. Most freelance workers tend to put off work until the last minute or take on more work than they can handle. Taking long or too many breaks and social media distractions is another challenge for freelancers.

2. Hacking

Working online comes with many challenges. As hackers get more sophisticated in their hacking techniques, freelancers have to be extra careful online. Cyber risks such as phishing, ransomware, etc. are some of the biggest challenges freelancers face. Phishing involves the use of emails to dupe individuals into giving out their personal information via email attachments and links. Ransomware involves hackers holding your data hostage and demanding payment, mostly in Bitcoin.

During this Covid-19 pandemic, scams have popped up that target remote workers using Microsoft Teams and Zoom. An alert given by both the U.S and U.K governments has revealed 2,500 scams centered on the Coronavirus. The Department of Homeland Security and the U.K National Cyber Security Center (NCSC) issued an alert on the increase in video-conferencing hijackings or Zoom-bombing and phishing emails that had malicious files attached.

3. Distractions

Distractions from family and social media are a huge problem for freelancers. Most freelancers take breaks and log into social media, and find they have whiled the day away doing nothing constructive. Freelancers with young children find it hard to make them understand they are working, albeit from home, making the freelancer’s work more difficult.

How to mitigate freelancing challenges

Freelancers can use productivity and security tools to get the most out of their freelancing experience. Some of the best productivity and security tools in the market include the following:

1. VPN

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a security tool that allows you to stay safe while working online. Installing a VPN to guarantee security online is one of the best ways to prevent your system from being hacked. A VPN hides your IP address and location, as well as encrypting all your communication to prevent hackers from intercepting it.

2. Toggl

Toggl is a free time tracking tool for up to five people and works well for everyone, from one-man teams to large teams, which pay from $10 per month. Track your time with a single click on any device, or using several integrations. You can create attractive reports that show your clients on where and how you spent the time you are billing them for. Toggl also allows you to keep track of any tasks that eat away at your time and track all your daily activities on various platforms. It provides you with insights and opportunities to optimize your work by showing you where to improve.

3. Trello

Trello sign-up is free, and its features are easy to use, and you can get started in a matter of a few minutes.  Trello is a collaboration and project management app that has a unique design that relies on lists, cards, and boards that allow you to assign tasks, track progress and work better, whether working alone or as a group.


If you want to collaborate easily, choose an app that is intuitive on mobile. Facebook (Meta) owned, WhatsApp is such a tool. If you want more tips on how to get the most out of it, check out Softgoza.


As a freelancer, you have the obligation to ensure you police yourself. As a self-employed individual, no one will clock your time or ask what you have spent the day doing. It is up to you to be pro-active and manage your time well. It is not easy working from home, and productivity tools help you to track your time and activities. Installing security tools such as a VPN protects you from hacking attempts by hiding your location and IP address and encrypting all your data. To make freelancing a success, you need help, and these apps will ensure you manage your time better as well as protect you online.


What Are Some Common Challenges Freelancers Face?

Common challenges include irregular income, finding clients, managing finances, maintaining work-life balance, and dealing with isolation.

How Can Freelancers Manage Irregular Income?

Managing irregular income involves budgeting, setting aside emergency funds, diversifying services, and maintaining a steady stream of client work.

What Strategies Can Freelancers Use to Find Clients?

Freelancers can find clients by networking, using freelance platforms, building a strong online presence, showcasing a portfolio, and seeking referrals.

What Are the Financial Challenges Freelancers Encounter?

Financial challenges include handling taxes, managing invoicing and payments, saving for retirement, and dealing with inconsistent cash flow.

How Can Freelancers Overcome the Isolation of Remote Work?

Overcoming isolation involves joining freelancers’ communities, co-working spaces, attending industry events, and maintaining social connections.

What Strategies Help Freelancers Set and Achieve Goals?

Freelancers can set and achieve goals by setting SMART goals, creating a schedule, tracking progress, and staying motivated.

What Should Freelancers Do to Ensure Work-Life Balance?

Ensuring work-life balance involves setting boundaries, scheduling regular breaks, and allocating time for personal and family activities.

How Can Freelancers Handle Difficult Clients or Projects?

Handling difficult clients or projects requires clear communication, setting expectations, and addressing issues professionally.

What Are the Challenges of Self-Motivation in Freelancing?

Self-motivation challenges can be addressed by setting deadlines, creating a routine, staying organized, and finding sources of inspiration.

How Can Freelancers Stay Competitive in Their Industry?

Staying competitive involves continuous learning, upgrading skills, keeping up with industry trends, and offering exceptional services to clients.

How Can Freelancers Deal with Scope Creep in Projects?

Freelancers should define project scopes clearly, set expectations with clients, and communicate any additional work or changes in scope that may incur extra charges.

What Legal and Contractual Challenges Do Freelancers Face?

Freelancers may face challenges related to contracts, including late payments, disputes, intellectual property rights, and non-disclosure agreements.

How Can Freelancers Handle Inconsistent Workloads?

Handling inconsistent workloads involves creating a financial cushion during busy times, seeking long-term contracts, and marketing services during slow periods.

What Strategies Can Freelancers Use to Build a Reliable Client Base?

Building a reliable client base entails providing exceptional service to existing clients, asking for referrals, and diversifying services to attract new clients.

How Can Freelancers Manage Stress and Burnout?

Managing stress and burnout requires setting boundaries, taking breaks, practicing self-care, and seeking support when needed.

What Are the Challenges of Freelancing in a Competitive Market?

Challenges in competitive markets include price competition, standing out among competitors, and finding niches where specialized skills are in demand.

How Can Freelancers Stay Updated with Industry Trends and Technology?

Staying updated involves subscribing to industry publications, attending webinars, taking online courses, and participating in professional forums.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Freelancing as a Career Choice?

Freelancing offers flexibility and independence but comes with challenges like income instability and the need to handle all aspects of business operations.

What Strategies Can Freelancers Use to Save for Retirement?

Freelancers can save for retirement through individual retirement accounts (IRAs), solo 401(k)s, or other retirement savings options, consulting with a financial advisor for guidance.

How Can Freelancers Cope with Economic Downturns or Industry Changes?

Coping with economic downturns or industry changes involves diversifying services, building an emergency fund, and having a backup plan or additional income streams.

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