What you need to know about vitamins

Our body practically does not synthesize vitamins, so irrational nutrition leads to their deficiency. The use of vitamin supplements, essential nutrients, is a necessity for any person.

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Vitamins are taken for a number of reasons. Some people want to balance their food intake, some believe vitamins can help them cope with a cold, others try to prevent serious diseases. One way or another, with vitamins, our body can function normally, and we can feel good. We need vitamin supplements in small amounts, from micrograms to milligrams, but they need to be consumed constantly.

What vitamin complexes are there?

What vitamin complexes are there

Before proceeding to the choice of vitamins, you need to familiarize yourself with their diversity. Depending on the number of containing elements, vitamin manufacturers offer:

  • Monovitamins that contain one component of organic origin. Depending on the solubility, they are divided into fat-soluble and water-soluble. It is believed that monovitamins are better absorbed by the body, but it is important to adhere to the rules of admission.
  • Multivitamins that contain two or more vitamins per dose. Multivitamin complexes are the fastest way to make up for the lack of nutrients in the body. In such a set, the compatibility of vitamins is important in order to avoid “suppression” of each other.
  • Vitamin-mineral complexes that contain a set of 2 or more vitamins, as well as minerals, and are intended for certain groups of the population. For example, there are complexes for women, athletes, or even for people aged 50+.

How are vitamins absorbed?

Vitamins that are part of mono- or multivitamins are most often synthesized chemically. However, in their chemical structure and biological activity, they are completely identical to the natural vitamins present in food. They are assimilated in the same way, or maybe even better. For example, the percentage of assimilation of naturally occurring vitamin B6 involved in metabolism depends on the food product and ranges from 5% to 75%.

Vitamins are poorly absorbed with caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine. Antibiotics and oral contraceptives negatively affect the body’s absorption of vitamins E and B. Cortisol, a stress hormone, also reduces the normal absorption of vitamins. You can help the body absorb vitamin supplements by following these rules:

  • Stick to the vitamin combination. For example, vitamin C is well absorbed with B vitamins while vitamin D is well absorbed with vitamin K.
  • Cooking reduces the amount of vitamins in foods, so you should use foods with minimal heat treatment.
  • Pay attention to the vitamin support of the body before 35-40. After this age, digestibility tends to worsen.
  • Pay attention to the dishes. For example, vitamin C is destroyed by contact with metals.

Are natural vitamins always better?

When vitamins are extracted from natural products, that is, isolated using a special solvent, a large number of chemicals and procedures are used. So, it is not easy to call the final product natural. It is very difficult to isolate vitamins from natural products and costs a lot of money. In advertising, you can hear about vitamins from natural raw materials, but this applies only to some of them, such as vitamin C obtained from acerola, and vitamin E found in vegetable oil concentrates.

Modern synthetic vitamin supplements are considered safe. The vitamin manufacturer, together with special sanitary and epidemiological authorities, constantly monitors the purity of vitamins and the absence of harmful chemical impurities in them. Technologies for the production of vitamins today make it possible to guarantee the complete chemical purity of supplements while maintaining their beneficial properties.

How are vitamins produced?

The technological process for the production of vitamins functions normally due to the main components, such as powerful equipment, high-quality raw materials, an ideal recipe and brand. To manufacture a complete cycle of vitamin supplements, production lines are an excellent solution, for example, a line for capsulation and tableting, powder packaging or the production of effervescent pills. A set of equipment is selected taking into account the effectiveness of joint work, the availability of a certain type of raw material and the final product.

Vitamin manufacturers are obligated to use quality raw materials as this is the standard for creating safe vitamin supplements. Such raw materials include both additional components and mono-additives of synthetic and natural origin. An equally important element is product branding which forms an image of your vitamins in the minds of customers, evokes certain emotions, and encourages them to buy. If you have ideas about creating your own brand, but do not have enough money, you can use the contract manufacturing service. You will focus on the promotion of the goods, while the fulfillment company will take over the entire production.

Our body practically does not synthesize vitamins, so irrational nutrition leads to their deficiency. The use of vitamin supplements, essential nutrients, is a necessity for any person. There is a wide variety of vitamin complexes. Most of them are synthesized artificially in laboratories, and modern equipment and technologies make it possible to preserve useful properties. If you have the idea of ​​creating a brand of vitamins, but do not have sufficient funds, you can turn to contract manufacturing for help.

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