Creating a Healthy Work-Life Balance: Prioritizing Employee Wellbeing for Increased Productivity

The modern lifestyle has evolved in many ways, and our workplaces have tremendously been part of this evolution by bringing forward various opportunities as well as challenges. Among the rigours, discussions about employee well-being have gained momentum, and many are exploring the benefits of providing wellness initiatives at an organisational level.

This article aims to address promoting well-being in workplaces by understanding the ways in which it can improve your team’s productivity.

So, without further ado, let’s learn about the what, why, and how of employee wellness.


What Does Employee Well-being Mean?

What Does Employee Well-being Mean

The physical, emotional, and mental health of the employees in an organisation comprise their overall well-being. Instead of prioritising tasks and meeting the “end goal,” businesses now have seen that their company’s success stems from keeping their workforce happy. By focusing beyond the bottom line, organisations strive to foster work environments that show their employees their value; nurturing well-being in this form has led to performance improvements among the team.

How To Promote Employee Well-being?

Health Initiatives

Encourage your employees to adopt healthy daily routines. You can start by offering resources such as fitness classes or even building a workplace gym. You can choose simple equipment such as rowing machines, running treadmills, benches, dumbbells, ellipticals, free weights, etc. This equipment will ensure that the employees get strength, cardio, and flexibility workouts that work on the entire body. If that’s not feasible, you can also use wellness programs that incentivise staying healthy through rewards, challenges, and seminars. You must also provide healthy nutrition by keeping all food groups in mind and encouraging mindful eating habits.

Positive Work Environment

As a company, you should encourage communication, respect, and inclusivity of the entire workforce so that employees know that you care about and value them. Offer flexible work arrangements by having different schedules, paid time off, and remote job options to help employees maintain a work-life balance. It will reduce workplace stress and allow employees to attend to personal commitments. Host team-building activities to add some light fun to work while also helping colleagues know each other; instilling a sense of camaraderie will only show its results in team effort towards the job.

Mental Health Support

In this day and age, mental health is a vital tool in ensuring people are able to manage and address personal challenges, which is why offering assistance programs or counselling services is a great way to ensure employees know to seek support. Include mindfulness activities through relaxation workshops, meditation classes, or yoga to teach employees how to manage their stress in a healthy but practical manner. An individual’s emotional intelligence also says a lot about their resilience. When there is a lack of it, as an employer, you can offer emotional intelligence techniques to help them navigate through challenges effectively.

Workload Management

The role of project management is crucial when setting employee expectations and KPIs, make sure they’re clear and, most importantly, realistic; ensure the given tasks and their deadlines are achievable to avoid overwhelming your employees. Promote taking regular breaks or time off to recharge instead of stagnating in a monotonous work-loaded routine. Breaks are important to rejuvenate and maintain productivity. Similarly, respect vacation time and avoid leaving any work for employees during non-working hours or days; this disconnect is so they can rest, and you must understand that.

Personal And Professional Growth

Offer professional development workshops, training, or online courses to give employees the opportunity to improve their skills. Whenever possible, help deserving employees grow through your organisation by providing career advancement opportunities, which will, in turn, motivate them to pursue their goals. Acknowledging achievements among the team and consistently rewarding their contributions instils a sense of fulfilment so that you can implement recognition techniques like Employee of the Month.

Financial Well-being

Financial stress can seriously disrupt an individual’s mental functions and stress levels, which means poor work performance. So, you must offer fair pay rates, preferably above the national minimum wage, and include benefit policies with flexible schemes. You can also appoint assistance to help employees manage their finances through debt counselling programs or access to financial advisors.

Tackling Employee Well-being Obstacles

Tackling Employee Well-being Obstacles

Resistance To Change

It’s common for individuals to resist change, and when implementing new initiatives, you might have to deal with resistance that stems from scepticism. You can start by offering pilot programs to give your employees an example of how everything works. You can also use this to collect employee response data that will allow you to make smart decisions about these changes.

Lack Of Awareness

Many people need more knowledge to understand why being mentally and physically healthy is important. As a result of this unawareness, many employees also need to prioritise work-life balance to take care of themselves. To tackle that, you must build awareness and provide evidence-based research to showcase the positive impact of practising wellness.

Budget Or Resource Constraints

If your company lacks the resources or capital to provide comprehensive wellness programs for all employees, you can get creative and utilise some alternative strategies. You can start small by practising habits such as work-life balance, flexible work hours, better pay, and appreciation. Once you’re financially stable, you can dwell deeper into a more concrete approach towards these initiatives.

How Is Employee Well-being Related To Productivity?

Improved Mindspace

Employees feel burnout and exhibit reduced productivity if they’re not in the right headspace; this could be due to situations at work, family, or even both. However, when companies break the barrier to address such issues and offer help, employees feel seen, motivating them to perform well in return.

Increased Engagement

Hands-on engagement in their daily duties and tasks among employees is every employer’s dream, but you must understand that will only happen if you appreciate when a job is done well. When employees feel valued, it shows them that their efforts are recognised, and they will only strive to maintain that level of performance.

Lower Healthcare Costs

When companies offer employee health and wellness programs, it ensures that the workforce is made aware of the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle. By doing so, employees require less medical attention because they’re maintaining their well-being. This not only controls healthcare costs but also allows them to perform better without any interruption from illness and injuries.

Job Satisfaction

Constantly changing employees due to frequent resignations not only raises questions about the company but also hinders its productivity. However, if you’re keeping your employees happy, you will see that reflected in your job satisfaction reports: higher job satisfaction means higher employee retention.

Reduced Absenteeism

As discussed above, healthy employees mean fewer illnesses, which also means that there will be fewer work days lost on employee sick leaves. A study found that workplaces with employee-centric wellness programs saw a decrease in absenteeism.

Parting Thoughts

There is an undeniable link between productivity and employee wellness because of the reasons mentioned above. By prioritising and practising workplace wellness, your organisation will not only grow professionally but also have a committed workforce that is loyal to your company.

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