I’ve said for years that fundraising is all about leadership. And we all have leadership opportunities, even if we don’t have leadership titles.

One of the best ways to grow in our ability to lead is to get clear on our values. Both personally and organizationally.

When we know what we value, it makes it easy to figure out why some people, places, or practices are stressful to us. And it helps us connect with the values of others, seeing where their values intersect with our nonprofit’s mission.

Moreover, when we know our values, we can make decisions more in line with our core motivations. And make decisions more quickly, despite being surrounded by uncertainty.

A little while ago, I recorded a very short video on how a child’s toy – the pins that you can use to see an imprint of your hand – can teach us about the importance of values. You can see it at https://concordleadershipgroup.com/values/

CLG Values Inventory Video

And while you’re there, sign up to get the free Values Worksheet. I took an assessment like this 20 years ago and have been amazed at the clarity it continues to give me.

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