Have you ever been asked by a board member, “Isn’t there some other way of funding our work rather than asking for money?”

Or have you thought that yourself?

Well, NonprofitHub’s CEO Randy Hawthorne says, “Yes!” He is experienced at generating revenue for his nonprofit and for others that complement both the nonprofit’s mission and the nonprofit’s fundraising efforts.

In his session in The Nonprofit AcademyWhy Nonprofits Should Make Money, Not Just Raise It,” he shares his ideas on how to make this possible. And how to do it in ways that do not jeopardize your nonprofit tax status.

Generating revenue in non-donation ways may seem odd to post here on FundraisingCoach. I definitely love asking people for donations! And I know that nonprofits can transform their revenue by asking correctly. But the questions that Randy brings up are incredibly important. They will help your nonprofit clarify its mission and vision.

And done properly, they can help you stabilize your nonprofit’s finances which will help you raise even more money!

Check out his training over at The Nonprofit Academy: Why Nonprofits Should Make Money, Not Just Raise It (https://thenonprofitacademy.com/trainings/earned-income/).

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