Newsletter: Peta, Nabisco Uncage Animals 🦁; One-Person Nonprofit Schools You on Earned Media 🎬; Tide 'Loads of Hope' Aid Wildfire Victim🔥

Two personal notes and a business note this week.

First, I'm taking my baby girl to college tomorrow! She'll be a freshman at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. I'm so proud of her! But I'm also sad (on most days) that she's leaving.😭I realized the other day that I may be in good company. I bet some of you have kids that are heading off to college this month! If you do, you have my congratulations and my empathy!


Second, I'm sure some of you know John Haydon. To the world, John is a top fundraising expert! But for me, well, I'm proud to say he's my best buddy. John is battling (and winning!) a difficult battle against cancer and could really use some help. Check out the fundraising page I've launched. We've hit our initial goal, but there is always room for more!

Third, I've launched a page on my website with ways that you can work with me beyond speaking and consulting. I'll be growing this list in the coming months, but the first two offerings formalize something I've been doing for months now: Newsletters Sponsorships and Sponsored Posts. With September mostly booked, I'm looking for October sponsors!

Thanks for reading!

Partnership notes

🎪Working with PETA, Nabisco's animal crackers has released the animals from their cages. See the redesign

🤯Now this is an incentive to donate. My insurance company, MAPFREoffered me a 5% discount off my insurance policy for a $25 donation to the Pan-Mass Challenge. With teens on my auto insurance, my plan is over $3,000 a year so I saved $150! To date, this program has raised $240K for the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

🔥Tide's Loads Of Hope is on the scene in California helping wildfire victims with free laundry services. Listen to our interview with them to learn more about this amazing program. Separately, restore your love for humanity reading about what messages people who lost everything are sending the couple who accidentally started the blaze.

🤝Here's one type of "nonprofit" partnership that could really hurt nonprofits and the credibility of corporate partnership programs. It's called "Astroturfing"HBO's John Oliver explains.

Marketing your cause 🤑

🎥Mark Horvath at Invisible People is putting you all to shame. IP is a one-person shop that has smartly focused on one thing: video marketing. Mark has grown his Youtube channel to 168,000 subscribers and wooed national corporate partners like Hanes Socks. Now, he's landed some massive earned media on NBC's Dateline.

🐒ALWAYS lead with your strongest emotional message. Greenpeace is taking a ‘heart over head’ approach as it looks to widen appeal beyond activists.

🔈This is smart. This college is putting a smart speaker in every dorm room. The IT department has programmed them to answer more than 100 common student questions about sports games, concerts, events and opportunities to serveHow can your organization use smart speakers?

Cool jobs in cause** 😎

1. Chief Development Officer, Keep America Beautiful (Stamford, CT)

2. Director, National Corporate Partnerships, Playworks (Oakland, CA)

3. Director, Special Events & Cause Marketing, Girl Scouts (Detroit)

4. PR/Corporate Social Responsibility, Neighborhood Health Plan (Providence, RI)

5. Director, Corporate Alliances & Stewardship, National Association for the Education of Young Children (Washington, DC)

**Have your cause-related job featured here for FREE. Hit reply or email me at

Brain food 🧠🍎

😭5 principles for getting people to give a damn.

💪🏽Doubt the power of Millennials? Just look at what they did to mayonnaise.

💪🏽💪🏽Speaking of power, if you knew how powerful you were, you would do what this 11-year old girl did.

Have a question, story suggestion or category you want to see covered? Just leave a comment below. 🙏


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Newsletter: L.L. Bean Counters Bad Press with $3M Donation 🐻; Move Over Millennials Here Comes Gen Z 👶; How Hurricane Harvey Relief Was Spent 🌊


Newsletter: 4 Lessons from Burger King's Drive-Thru 🍔; 140 Companies Partner with Band to Help Homeless 🎸; Are Memes Better than Influencers? 🌭