Newsletter: Companies that Will Profit from the Pandemic 🦠 ; How to Pitch Businesses on Zoom 🤳; What You Can Learn About Crisis Marketing from Burger King, Steak-Umm 🍔


​Three things this week...

1. The 'Read With Purpose' Social Impact Book Club 📚meets next Thursday, April 23rd @ 4pm ET. Join me and Megan Strand as we discuss our first book: From Generosity To Justice: A New Gospel Of Wealth, which you can download for FREE here. Request to join the 'Read With Purpose' Facebook group here.

2. Last week, I was anxious and sad so I opened up a few spots on my calendar to talk to readers. I had GREAT conversations with nearly a dozen nonprofits! 😊It was so inspiring I want to do it again! Just visit Selfish Giving and hit the BOOK NOW button and then choose a 30-minute Zoom meeting for today, Thursday or Friday.

3. On Monday, April 20th @ 10am ET, I'm joining two fantastic cause marketing colleagues from the UK for a webinar on How to Shift Your Corporate Partnerships Approach in Response to Coronavirus. Join us! It's FREE.

🦠 Responding to COVID-19

1. An interesting article and graphs in the New York Times on how the virus has transformed the way Americans are spending their money - and which companies are profiting. ⬆️BTW, add peanut butter companies to your prospect list!

2. Three companies I'm tipping my mask to for their cause marketing: Ocean State Job LotDutch Bros Coffee & Melt Shop.

3. How to pitch new business on Zoom. Also, ten lessons for selling from home.

4. 75+ direct-to-consumer (DTC) companies that are supporting Covid-19 relief. Next year they could be your partners!

5. We took our 500-person event virtual in just five days.

🤑 Marketing Your Cause

1. You know who is doing a good job marketing themselves during this crisis? Burger King. They are giving generously. They are serving, not selling. And they are finding creative ways to stand out. A close second is Steak-Umm (yep, that Steak-Umm).

2. My fellow newsletter creator, Andrew Kamphey, who publishes the fabulous Influence Weekly, is launching a new newsletter on Substack. He's pulling back the curtain to show you his step-by-step process. I'm watching - and you should be too!

3. And guess what's still driving purchases - and donations, I bet - during this crisis.

😎 Cool Jobs in Cause

1. Director, Corporate Business Development, Boys & Girls Clubs (Silicon Valley)

2. Director, Corporate & Cause Partnership, Boys & Girls Clubs (Western U.S.)

Have your cause-related job featured here for FREE. Hit reply to this email and give me the details and a link to the position.

🧠🍌 Brain Food

1. Here is my two cents. The next 18-months are going to be rough, and partnership pros will need to plan accordingly. Why? Because knowledgable people like Bill Gates are saying that the pandemic won't end until we have a vaccine. When will that be? As Christopher Penn reported yesterday in his Lunchtime Pandemic Reading...

"French drug giant Sanofi said Tuesday that it plans to use technology from GlaxoSmithKline to accelerate the development of its experimental vaccine against the novel coronavirus...These are two of the largest pharmaceutical companies on the planet. They will have access to, if their vaccines pass all clinical trials, literally billions of dollars from governments around the world. And the soonest they're saying they hope to get regulatory approval is the second half of 2021." 😳

2. The Good News Boost from the good folks at Rocket Social Impact 🚀has become a reader favorite over the past month. Review Rocket's ​latest top five impact picks​ of the week, or dig into their comprehensive list of what local heroes, companies, nonprofits and influencers are doing to fight the pandemic. #Sponsor

3. Hmmm....Did dogs start the virus so we would have to stay home with them? 🐶My dog, Charlie, confirmed my suspicions. Look at those eyes. Guilty as sin! 😂

Have a question, comment, or just want to say hi? Just leave a comment below or head over to Twitter.


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Newsletter: 11 Partnership Questions I Answered This Month 🤓 ; The Next Big Cause Marketing Donation Apparel is… 🥁 ; 26 Ways to Get Ready for the Rebound 🏀


Newsletter: Dr. Fauci Bobblehead Sales to Help Buy Masks 😷 ; To Succeed Head to the Bottom of the Pyramid ⬇️ ; DIY Podcasting Advice for Nonprofits Closed by Covid-19 🦠