Newsletter: 11 Partnership Questions I Answered This Month 🤓 ; The Next Big Cause Marketing Donation Apparel is… 🥁 ; 26 Ways to Get Ready for the Rebound 🏀

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I've had some great conversations the past couple weeks with nonprofits about what's happening with them during the pandemic, and what questions they have regarding corporate partnerships. Below are the eleven most common questions - and the resources I've been suggesting again and again!

1. I'm scared. Will everything be alright?

It will! This will all end someday. We've been through times of plague before - and ones worse than COVID-19. See my answer to #10. ​Plus, the crisis could usher in a golden age of cause marketing and brand purpose! 😎

2. What should my game plan be for corporate partnerships over the next 12 to 18 months?

Accelerist's Brittany Hill did a nice job charting a course in the webinar we did together last month. Here's the replay.

3. Who else is sharing some great advice on what I should be doing right now?

participated in a webinar the other day with Jonathan Andrews from Remarkable Partnerships and Catherine Deakin at Changing Faces and they shared some wonderful advice. Jonathan and Catherine are based in the UK! 🇬🇧

4. Should I cancel, postpone or move forward with my event?

Chris Baylis at the Sponsorship Collective offers some solid advice.

5. My boss wants me to take our event virtual. Help!

Again, Chris Baylis is your guy.

6. Joe, what do you think I should be doing right now to ensure the growth of my partnership program?

Build your KEYSTONE CONTENT ASSET. I make my case for audience-building in this video.

7. What else are you suggesting that corporate partnership teams do right now?

Write-up case studies on your successful partnerships. Case studies are hands down the most effective B2B content marketing tool. Your keystone content asset ⬆️will get a prospect's attention. Case studies will close the deal! [Case Study Service]

8. I have a partnership opportunity, and while I need to move quickly, I want to stay on the right side of the law. Who should I talk to?

Karen Wu at Perlman and Perlman is the person you want to talk to. She's offering a FREE webinar with our friends at Engage for Good on April 28th on Legal Considerations For COVID-19 Corporate Partnership Activations. You'll want to attend this! #Sponsor​

9. What kind of companies should I focus on in the coming months?

Focus on the ones with whom you have the closest relationship and the ones that are still making money. Also, I would give serious thought to focusing on B2B companies. Carol Cone recently made the case that B2B is an area for tremendous growth. I agree. And the pandemic will only accelerate this.

10. Joe, what else have you been doing the past month?

I've been heading outside for short walks and cleaning up my gardens. When I'm inside - and not working - I'm reading. I'm a seasonal reader, so during times of plague I read, well, plague books. Three I would recommend are The Ghost MapThe Year of Lear and Samuel Pepys: The Unequaled SelfBTW, Pepys' experience with 17th century social distancing is nicely summarized here.

11. Cripes, Joe. I don't want to read books on the plague! What else you got?

Join me tomorrow at @ 4pm ET as Megan Strand and I discuss our first book club selection From Generosity To Justice: A New Gospel Of Wealth, which you can download for FREE here. Also, request to join the 'Read With Purpose' Facebook Group here.

🦠 Responding to COVID-19

1. And the next big cause marketing donation apparel is.... 🥁

2. This fast food chain is giving back to its hometown of New Orleans by selling a special meal and merch. All profits will go to Second Harvest Food Bank​.

3. Michelob Ultra is asking viewers of its new workout series to support the trainers by putting money into a virtual tip jar​ that they'll match up to $7,500 per week.

🤑 Marketing Your Cause


1. Research reveals what each generation - Boomer, Gen X, Millennials - want from brands during the crisis. Hint: Older people want action. Younger people want distraction. 

2. You've heard of Tiger King, but this Florida wildlife theme park is the king of gators and Facebook Live! With the park closed, they meet with their audience online every day at 10am and they just hit one million views!

3. ​This is a such a smart newsletter idea that a nonprofit should have created it - or at least sponsored it! 

4. I get it, not every nonprofit is on the frontlines fighting the virus. Here's a different news angle that's also needed!

😎 Cool Jobs in Cause

1. Managing Director, New Partnerships, Feeding America (Chicago)

Have your cause-related job featured here for FREE. Hit reply to this email and give me the details and a link to the position.

🧠🍌 Brain Food

1. 26 ways to get ready for the rebound. Do one a day for the next 26 days!

2. The Good News Boost from the good folks at Rocket Social Impact 🚀is back with another edition. Review Rocket's latest ​top five impact picks​ of the week, or dig into their comprehensive list of what local heroes, companies, nonprofits and influencers are doing to fight the pandemic. #Sponsor​

3. You and I are having crazy, vivid and unusual dreams. Here’s why.​

Have a question, comment, or just want to say hi? Just leave a comment below or head over to Twitter.


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