Newsletter: The 2020 Virtual Events Research Report ✅ ; 5 Reasons to Over-Communicate with Your Audience (and What to Say) 📢 ; Should Nonprofits Invest in ‘Tiny Billboards’? 🤔


Two quick notes this week on COOL JOBS IN CAUSE (One of the most popular sections in my newsletter, especially these day!)

First, over the past few weeks, several readers have contacted me to advocate that I include salary information in my job postings. I think this is a good practice and reflects the larger trend of salary transparency that we're seeing around hiring.

Moving forward, I encourage you to submit positions with a salary or range of salary.

I realize that this might not always be possible! Some organizations are still grappling with disclosing salary information. So, while I would like you to provide salary information, and will ask you for it if you don't include it in your email to me, it won't be required to have your listing included in my newsletter. I'll reevaluate making it a requirement next year (or whenever 2020 ends 🔥😳).

Second, because many are struggling right now and looking for work, I'm happy to include development positions that are not directly related to sponsorship, cause marketing and corporate partnerships. While the latter will always have priority in my newsletter, I'm happy to include other positions. It all depends on space. I usually post a maximum of 5-6 positions.

Of course, let me know if you have comments or suggestions on how I could further improve the COOL JOBS IN CAUSE section.

✍️ Partnership Notes

1. 10 charts from McKinsey & Company on how consumer shopping behavior is changing because of the pandemic. This would be a great report to discuss at our Learning Club on August 27th. This month's topic is the future of retail.

2. Here are some creative ways to engage sponsors at your virtual events.

3. Speaking of virtual events, be sure to check out this new, comprehensive report from Wild Apricot on how 1,000+ nonprofits, associations, clubs, and other orgs are running virtual events, raising revenue, and engaging attendees. I like the section on How do Virtual Events Compare to In-Person Events.

🤑 Marketing Your Cause

1. 5 reasons to over-communicate with your audiences right now – and what to say.

2. This is a great tutorial on how to quickly create content with Facebook Live.

3. This is a great reminder that every piece of content you create needs to have a purpose. Here's how to set goals so you are not wasting your time!

😎 Cool Jobs in Cause

1. Director of Marketing, Call of Duty Endowment, Santa Monica ($127k - $222k)

2. Senior Manager, Cause Marketing & Sponsorship, Susan G. Komen, Dallas ($71k - $93k)

3. Director, National Food Solutions, Blessings in a Backpack, Remote

Have your cause-related job featured here for FREE. Hit reply to this email and give me the details, including the salary range, and a link to the position.

🧠 🍌 Brain Food

1. Check out these tiny billboards in support of Portland's small businesses. But wouldn't these be great for local nonprofits too?

2. What Anthony Fauci's neighbors are doing to boost his spirits.

3. This week's gahhden photo is of a full-sun climber on my back railing. This is Clematis 'Henryi' with pure white flowers and chocolate brown anthers. It's always a welcomed sight when leaving the house or coming home!


Have a question (garden questions welcomed!), comment, or just want to say hi? Leave a comment below or head over to Twitter.


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Is Employee Engagement Your Most Valuable Virtual Asset? 🤔[SPONSORED]


Newsletter: This Chain of Fabric Stores Takes Lead on Mask Policy 😷 ; Five Sources of Thought Leadership Content 🤓 ; What Deaf People Can Teach You About Virtual Communication 👀