5 questions to ask your planned giving marketing vendor

1. How many highly qualified planned giving leads did you generate for my nonprofit last year?
2. How many of those leads could also be major gift donors?
3. Who among those leads has a donor advised fund or family foundation?
4. Why do each of those leads care about my organization’s mission?
5. In the minds of each of those leads, how does my organization rank compared to other charities? Are we their top choice for giving?

Most, will get stuck on question one. When that happens, you might want to consider another way to reach your goals.
If they get past question one, they probably won’t be able to answer the other four. So what are you waiting for? Contact us. We’ll get those answers and leads for you (probably at a fraction of their cost).

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7 years ago

Fortunately, our +100 nonprofit clients don’t have to ask these questions due to raising $2-$5 million in new planned gifts per year with an average ROI of $75:$1 Secondly, 33% of the planned gifts are first time gifts. Finally, the majority of our nonprofit clients have engaged us for +4 years.

M. Burris
M. Burris
5 years ago

Which firm is this?

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