Newsletter: Attorney Karen Wu Answers Your Questions on UBIT ⚖️ ; Dunkin Sells Masks for a Cause 🍩 ; Wendy’s Promised to Promote Black Voices on Twitter, Then Ghosted 👻

Two things this week!

1. The Social Impact Book Club members have voted and our next book is How to be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi. While I've included the link to the book on Amazon, many readers wrote last week asking me to encourage people to buy the book from a local book shop. I couldn't agree more! I'm off to my local bookstore, Newtonville Books, to pick up my copy!

Want to join the book club? Here's the link to our Facebook group and info to when our next virtual meeting is being held!

2. My favorite corporate partnership attorney, Karen Wu of Perlman & Perlman, has completed the final part of a four-part series on the key legal issues you - my readers! - asked for in the Selfish Giving / Accelerist Partnership Law Survey you completed last year.

Today, Karen is answering your questions on unrelated business income tax (UBIT). A big thanks to Karen for taking time out of her busy schedule to write and complete this very helpful series of posts on corporate partnerships and the law! ⚖️Links to all four posts can be found here!

✍️ Partnership Notes


1. ACCP & Rocket Social Impact teamed up and asked 97 businesses how Covid-19 has impacted their CSR efforts. Over one-third said they are either reducing or ending partnerships to make room for new ones. 68% reported they have... [INFOGRAHIC]📊

2. Here's a list of what companies are promising to do to fight racism. Here's a list of companies that are bankrolling police foundations to purchase equipment and weapons for law enforcement. I have questions.🙋‍♂️

3. Wendy’s promised to ‘amplify Black voices’ on Twitterthen ghosted. [Paywall? I can email this to you] What went wrong? Maybe Wendy's could learn a thing or two from FedEx.

4. The future of partnership selling is virtual, not in person. Are you preparing for this? Hit reply and let me know!

🤑 Marketing Your Cause

1. Does your partnership team have marketing support? (First, lucky you ☘️) Here are the types of things they should be creating for you. (BTW, if you're stretched too thin I can help with case studies.)

2. As other nonprofits cut marketing during the recession, they leave empty space in donors' minds for aggressive marketers to make headway. Is your nonprofit retreating or advancing?

3. Yes, your newsletter needs more personality. Start by giving primary ownership of your newsletter to one person then...

😎 Cool Jobs in Cause

1. Director of Communications & Partnerships, About Fresh (Boston)

2. Volunteer Corporate Sponsor Recruiter, Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (Austin)

3. Account Manager, Rocket Social Impact (Remote)

Have your cause-related job featured here for FREE. Hit reply to this email and give me the details and a link to the position.

🧠🍌 Brain Food

1. Yes, you are hearing way more fireworks than usual. Here's why. 🧨

2. Relax your brain for a bit and feed your funny bone by scrolling through some of these funny ass COVID memes.

3. Happy summer! ☀️This week's gahhden photo is a Dahlia 'Karma Choc'. Yes, it even smells slightly of chocolate! 🍫😋

Screenshot 2020-06-22 14.59.41.jpg

Have a question (garden questions welcomed!), comment, or just want to say hi? Just leave a comment below or head over to Twitter.


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Newsletter: How Shoppers Hear About Brand-Supported Causes 📣 ; Help for Partnership Professionals Looking for Work 💼 ; Aldi Sells Lemony Products to Benefit Alex’s Lemonade Stand 🍋


Corporate Partnerships & The Law: Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT) ⚖️