Take the LGBTQ Self-Test (Are you a Friend or a Phobe?)

Have you ever wondered where you stand on LGBTQ “hipness?” Many people nowadays have LGBTQ coworkers, friends and family members. And although, you may think you’re hip with the whole situation, you probably could be a stronger ally!

If you are NOT LGBTQ, consider taking this completely unscientific test to see how comfortable you are with the LGBTQ community. (Totally meant to be fun and silly…but also a little telling)



Yes = 3 points, Mostly = 1, Unsure = 0 points, No = -1 point


  • Do you have more than 2 “openly” LGBTQ friends? (not just people you know – FRIENDS!)

    _______ score

  • Do you feel confident discussing LGBTQ issues, rights, policy, without worrying you’ll accidentally say something offensive?


  • When you hear or see statements or gestures that may be offensive to LGBTQ people, to you confront/address the person who did it?


  • Have I signed a petition, attended an event, or taken at least one action to advance LGBTQ equality?


  • Can I accurately describe (or perhaps define) the difference between L, G, B, T, Q communities?


  • Have I analyzed my assumptions, stereotypes, and biases about LGBTQ people, femininity, masculinity and sex roles? Be honest, thinking about it doesn’t mean you have reaaaaaally analyzed it.


  • I am fairly confident I use the right terms and pronouns when talking to or about LGBTQ people and their significant others.


  • I make people LGBTQ people feel included in most situations.


  • I try to consume or expose myself to LGBTQ related cultural programming, shows, events, articles and meeting places.



24-27 points =        You are so cool with the queer community you feel right at home

20-24 points =        You are on your way and trying. I’d be happy to have you at my

gay game night parties

10-20 points =        If you’re in this range in 2019, you may be closed off to learning, or even uncomfortable with LGBTQ people and topics. Push yourself, if you want to of course.

0-10 points=           Why did you bother taking this test? You need to go volunteer for a local LGBTQ organization now (unless you are homo/transphobic in which case stay away!) and check out my LGBTQ Diversity Training Crash Course.

Sean Kosofsky

Sean Kosofsky is The Nonprofit Fixer. He is a coach, consultant and course creator and served in nonprofit leadership roles for 28+ years.


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