Sun.May 28, 2023

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Inclusivity Is More Than a Best Practice

Mission Minded

Here is what we are learning about inclusive language and how it can potentially exclude your stakeholders. The post Inclusivity Is More Than a Best Practice appeared first on Mission Minded.

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What’s Tina Got to Do With Women’s Leadership?

Fundraising Leadership

Issue 230 — May 28, 2023 Back in the day, a friend of mine used to say that she wanted to BE Tina Turner. As the tributes flowed following Turner’s death on May 24 at 83, it was obvious that she had an equally significant impact on countless people around the world. (In Australia, the whole country stopped to dance to “Nutbush City Limits.”) Looking back on the life of the legendary singer and performer, it’s easy to find reasons to identify with her.

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Nonprofit Radio for May 29, 2023: Equitable Project Management & Make Time For Professional Development

Tony Martignetti

Rubin Singh: Equitable Project Management An automated soap dispenser. One of the most innocuous objects imaginable. Unless it doesn’t dispense soap to people with dark skin. How does bias find its way into technology projects and hurt outcomes? How can we implement technology through an equity lens? Rubin Singh, from One Tenth Consulting, returns … Continue reading Nonprofit Radio for May 29, 2023: Equitable Project Management & Make Time For Professional Development → Rubin