Wed.Jul 12, 2023

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4 Ways to Quickly Grow Your Nonprofit’s Text Messaging List

NonProfit PRO

With email deliverability hurdles and cluttered inboxes, text messaging provides an alternate way to quickly reach donors and constituents. Here are four ways to quickly grow your nonprofit’s text messaging list.

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Philanthropy Could Learn a Lot About Diversity by Studying What Sports Teams Are Doing Right

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

By Eboo Patel Ken Ruinard, USA TODAY NETWORK In the 2019-20 academic year, Black students made up less than 6 percent of the population of colleges in the richest and most prominent conferences in college football. However, they made up 48 percent of the student athletes on women’s basketball teams. In the wake of the Supreme Court’s affirmative-action ruling, foundation and nonprofit leaders need to take a hard look at alternative ways to achieve diversity.


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How To Attract Top Talent and Retain Top Performers

Joan Garry

Nonprofit talent management is a challenge. Here's how to attract, retain, and develop the best people to help your org achieve its mission. The post How To Attract Top Talent and Retain Top Performers appeared first on Joan Garry Consulting.

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Donors Are Expressing Concern About the Economy, Say Chief Fundraisers

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

By Emily Haynes Confidence among fundraisers has declined, though most expect to reach their goals, and more than half of organization say staffing shortages will be their biggest challenge ahead, a survey has found.

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How To Cultivate Community Affinity Throughout The Generosity Journey

Speaker: Tim Sarrantonio, Director of Corporate Brand

This session will dive into how to create rich generosity experiences that foster long-lasting relationships. You’ll walk away with actionable insights to redefine how you engage with your supporters—emphasizing trust, engagement, and community over transactional giving models. 🤝 Industry expert Tim Sarrantonio will explore data-backed strategies to engage supporters as active participants in a community that values their contributions and shared ideals.

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Beyond Dollars and Cents: Creating a Winning Nonprofit Marketing Budget

Nonprofit Marketing Guide

Creating a nonprofit marketing budget is much like growing and tending plants – though kind of in reverse. You have to ensure you have all the right ingredients and components necessary to help your activities grow and flourish. And as you go through the process, you have to diligently monitor to ensure everything is moving as it should. Regularly checking for pesky surprise guests or deviations is essential because, without proper attention, things can dry up quickly and, in the worst cas

Finance 183
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Philanthropy, Please Stop Ignoring One of the World’s Greatest Abuses Against Women — Female Genital Mutilation

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

By Nimco Ali U.S. foundations need to join efforts to eradicate a practice that harms millions of women physically and emotionally, preventing them from becoming productive members of their communities, says a victim of the procedure.

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Comment on Exercise at Work? Walking Your Way to Raising Major Gifts by Alyson Molloy Hussey

Amy Eisenstein

I love all your posts, but this is the best one yet! I have a client who walks during our coaching meetings every week. Thank you for pointing out that “work” can be good and good for you!

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Sunderland Foundation Awards $100 Million to the U. of Kansas Cancer Center

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

By M.J. Prest Elissa Monroe, KU Medical Center The University of Kansas Cancer Center will use the Sunderland Foundation grant for a new hospital that will house cancer research, treatment, and patient care. Shown here, Roy Jensen, director of the cancer center. Also, the Bezos Earth Fund has given $50 million for conservation and sustainable development in the Brazilian Amazon region, and the Ray Charles Foundation has given $1 million to continue Cedars-Sinai's neurosurgery scholarship program

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Comment on Exercise at Work? Walking Your Way to Raising Major Gifts by Tere Gade

Amy Eisenstein

Finally, someone gets me! Thanks for reaffirming the benefits of using physical activity to unlock thinking and engage in more meaningful conversations. People will say the most amazing things while thinking about a walk or hike. Love this!

Activism 130
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Time for a Mid-Year Check In

Ann Green

It’s hard to believe we’re halfway through 2023, isn’t it? The midpoint of the year is always a good time to see if you’re meeting your fundraising and communications goals. For this post, I’m assuming your fiscal year is the same as the calendar year. If you’re on a different fiscal cycle, you can make the appropriate time adjustments. In this continuous time of uncertainty, your fundraising may be down.

Retention 130
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How to Design a Seamless & Personalized Digital Donor Journey

Speaker: Tim Sarrantonio

The average nonprofit uses five or more different software platforms to create their donor’s journey, making the experience clunky and disjointed. If you want to design a magical online giving experience for donors, making their journey as seamless as possible is key. In this webinar with expert Tim Sarrantonio, you’ll learn the fundamental steps to create an immersive and personalized online giving experience for your donors.

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Newsletter: How to Use ChatGPT to Write Partnership Outreach Emails ; Albertsons Launches First Private Label Cause Product ; Should We Give People Money Before Disaster Strikes?

Selfish Giving

Here's something to try this week. Head over to ChatGPT and either signup or, if you already have an account, log in. BTW, signing up is easy and free, so don't sweat it! Here's the prompt I want you to use: Write a [type (e.g., informal, professional, with a Boston accent)] sales email for a corporate partnership with [nonprofit], which is the perfect partner for a company that wants to give back and reach a valuable target audience.

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Small Organizations: The Change That Systems Change Needs

Stanford Social Innovation Review

By Lior Ipp If you’ve been working in philanthropy for longer than a week, you’ve probably come across a report, analysis, or opinion piece about systems change. It’s everywhere. There are peer groups, conferences, webinars, blogs, and even schools dedicated to systems change. And there are as many definitions, theories, and conceptual frameworks of systems change as there are articles written about it.

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Nuestra Comunidad: Tools to Preserve Latinx and Immigrant Communities

NonProfit Quarterly

Image Credit: Abe Camacho on This article introduces a new NPQ series, Owning the Economy: Stories from Latinx Communities. C oproduced with the National Association for Latino Community Asset Builders , a national network of Latinx community development groups, this series highlights community preservation , land ownership, and business development efforts in Latinx and immigrant communities across the United States.

Culture 96
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Why omni-channel fundraising works at year-end


Whether your nonprofit organization has used an omni-channel donor engagement strategy for years or you’re just getting started, busy fundraising seasons are the most important opportunities to communicate cohesively across mediums with your supporters. If you think about the ways brands and organizations interact with you leading up to the holidays, you’ll notice how those communications are cohesive and accurate in real time—but they’re not coming to you in just one channel or avenue.

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Why Race Is the “Secret Sauce” of Modern Capitalism

NonProfit Quarterly

Bree Carlson: I think we spend a fair amount of time nuancing whether or not what we have in the county now is capitalism as it’s supposed to be. Well, no. It’s never actually been—our capitalism, our democracy, none of this has ever been what we say it is in the textbooks. That’s reinforcing the narrative underpinnings of it. But every effort, every structure designed to concentrate wealth among a few requires labor.

Poverty 86
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Recruiting nonprofit volunteers for legislative campaign success


It’s the middle of the year, and although many of you still haven’t even taken summer vacation, the time has arrived to begin planning for your 2024 state legislative campaigns. Despite the fact that several states are still in session—not to mention those that work year-round—you’re going to have big hopes and legislative goals for next year, and it’s important to plant the seeds for successful campaigns now.

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Can Public Power Advance Economic Justice?

NonProfit Quarterly

Image Credit: Luriko Yamaguchi on What is public power? For many, it means publicly generated electricity. Indeed, an estimated 49 million people in the United States get their electricity from publicly owned power authorities, including residents of Los Angeles, Seattle, Nashville, and Memphis. In a word, a large share of public services during the neoliberal era of the past few decades has been outsourced.

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Using communications to engage your board

Big Duck

Discover how effective communication can enhance board member recruitment and engagement.

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To Challenge Corporate Power, Look Up the Money Tree

NonProfit Quarterly

Saqib Bhatti: I think that what we really need is a massive redistribution of power and wealth in this country. And I think one of the key challenges we have is when we try to focus purely on legislative answers, we’re not able to get the legislative victories that we need, because at the end of the day, politicians are more beholden to corporations than they are to their voters.

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Must-have, should-have, could-have nonprofit marketing planning

Prosper Strategies

Nonprofit marketing planning can be challenging if you don’t have an established budget, and many organizations like to maintain some flexibility in case they happen upon additional funding over the course of a year (wouldn’t that be nice?). That’s why, at Prosper Strategies, we developed what we call must-have, should-have, could-have nonprofit marketing planning, and […] The post Must-have, should-have, could-have nonprofit marketing planning appeared first on Prosper S

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Summer 2023 Digital Issue

NonProfit Quarterly

How do people not only develop a vision of a democratic economy rooted in values of solidarity but come together to make that vision a collective reality? That is the daring question contained in this issue of Nonprofit Quarterly Magazine. Building on last summer’s issue on ownership, NPQ economic justice editors Steve Dubb and Rithika Ramamurthy call on us to consider what they label movement economies.

Health 52
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Why are your donors interested in the wrong things?

Jeff Brooks

In the early morning hours of a late-winter day in 1990, two men dressed as police officers got into an art museum. They tied up the two guards on duty in the basement and proceeded to grab 13 pieces of art, most notably two Rembrandts and a Vermeer. They left with their loot and were never caught. The value of the stolen art was estimated at $200 million dollars.

Values 52
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Donorbox Custom Domain – Display Your Campaigns under Your Own Website Subdomain

Donorbox Nonprofit

At Donorbox, we have always helped you create effective fundraising campaigns on our platform. Now, we’re taking your branding with these campaigns to the next level! Donorbox Custom Domain empowers your nonprofit to display your Donorbox campaigns under your own website subdomain. This means your valuable supporters won’t be redirected to a page outside of […] The post Donorbox Custom Domain – Display Your Campaigns under Your Own Website Subdomain appeared first on Nonprofit Blog.

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Improving Lead Generation for B2B SaaS Marketers [Course]

Nonprofit Marketing Insights by GlobalOwls

Improving Lead Generation for B2B SaaS Marketers [Course] Step-by-step course to grow your website traffic. Ask us and community members anything and become more effective. The days of collecting contact information and sending those ‘ Leads ’, that you call ‘ marketing qualified ’, to your sales team are over. The poor conversion rates and high customer acquisition cost (CAC) should’ve ended this practice years ago.

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How Predictive Analytics in Fundraising Fails to Deliver Accurate Caseloads


Every industry loves to predict the future. We predict stock markets, sports outcomes, educational outcomes, climate change, weather, and performance in just about any business sector. And as Big Data has grown, so too has the attraction to predictive data analytics, and fundraising is no exception. So how well does predictive analytics in fundraising really work?

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Summer Webinar Series: Achievement

Dennis C Miller

July 12, 2023 2:00 p.m. EDT / 11:00 a.m. PST The post Summer Webinar Series: Achievement appeared first on DCM Associates.

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A Story of Reparations and Healing From New Zealand

Stanford Social Innovation Review

By Fabiola Cineas Before taking my seat, I stood in line to greet the ceremony’s other attendees. As I approached each person—tribal elders, community leaders, politicians—we pressed our noses and foreheads together for several seconds to perform the hongi , a customary greeting of the Māori people, the Indigenous Polynesians of mainland New Zealand.