Wed.May 31, 2023

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Grant Makers Join Together to Learn About — and Fund — Racial Justice

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

By Marc Gunther New pooled funds seek grants from foundations or individuals, aggregate the money, and give it away. The efforts aim to drive fundamental change by building Black nonprofits’ public-policy muscle.

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How to Create the Optimum Donor Experience

NonProfit PRO

Donors at all levels should have as personal an experience as possible with the organizations they support. If donors do not feel positive about their giving experience, how can they have confidence that your programs are run with effectiveness?


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3 Years After George Floyd, Foundations Say They've Changed. Many Racial-Justice Nonprofits Disagree.

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

By Alex Daniels, Marc Gunther, and Sono Motoyama COURTESY OF THE NEW JERSEY INSTITUTE FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE Foundations say the summer of protests following his murder changed them forever. But for many racial-justice nonprofits, the free-flowing supply of grants proved to be short-lived. Plus, see the rest of our June issue , posted online today.

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Major Checkout Charity Campaigns Grew 24% From 2020 to 2022

NonProfit PRO

The largest point-of-sale fundraising efforts by American retailers collected $749 million in consumer donations in 2022, a 24% increase from 2020, according to the biennial "Charity Checkout Champions" study released by Engage for Good.

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How To Cultivate Community Affinity Throughout The Generosity Journey

Speaker: Tim Sarrantonio, Director of Corporate Brand

This session will dive into how to create rich generosity experiences that foster long-lasting relationships. You’ll walk away with actionable insights to redefine how you engage with your supporters—emphasizing trust, engagement, and community over transactional giving models. 🤝 Industry expert Tim Sarrantonio will explore data-backed strategies to engage supporters as active participants in a community that values their contributions and shared ideals.

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Vague and Generic Narratives Are Holding Back Nonprofits. Here Are a Few Tricks to Cut Out the Jargon

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

By April Bo Wang The overuse of grandiose and unclear language prevents nonprofits from telling stories that inspire the people they need to reach. ChatGPT, Google, and regular humans can help them change those patterns.

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The NonProfit Voice Ep 78: Best Practices to Improve Your Nonprofit’s Email Engagement

NonProfit PRO

Cherian Koshy of Merit America and Tim Sarrantonio of Neon One join the NonProfit Voice to discuss email benchmarks for the nonprofit sector.

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Comment on 10 Ways to Improve Your Fundraising Mindset this Summer by J.L.

Amy Eisenstein

If I am feeling anxious before a speaking engagement, I shift my mindset to remind myself that I am the expert. I am the one who knows my organization and my job is to share my knowledge. This helps me have the confidence to speak on behalf of my organization and remember its not about me and what they think about me, it’s about the message I am giving.

Values 130
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A Nonprofit Helps Students Learn Through Ukulele and Song

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

By Sara Herschander Students learn literacy, math, and other subjects through music that’s educational and fun.

Education 245
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Newsletter: A Cause for Shell-ebration ; Kansas Humane Society Launches ‘OnlyPaws’ Campaign ; How to Do Cause Marketing with Chambers, Associations

Selfish Giving

Monday is the day I usually set aside for writing the "Note from Joe" section of my newsletter. That's the section you are reading right now. This last Monday was different in two ways. First, Monday was Memorial Day, so it felt more like a Sunday than a Monday. Still, I was committed to finishing my "Note from Joe." Second, just as I started writing it, my wife came home and told me something that would upend my day.

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Uncertain Economy — and the Nation's Debt Debate — Snag Nonprofit Finances

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

By Sara Herschander Spending cuts the federal government is considering come at a time when the uncertain economy is making fundraising tough, leading one prominent nonprofit expert to reach a breaking point.

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How to Design a Seamless & Personalized Digital Donor Journey

Speaker: Tim Sarrantonio

The average nonprofit uses five or more different software platforms to create their donor’s journey, making the experience clunky and disjointed. If you want to design a magical online giving experience for donors, making their journey as seamless as possible is key. In this webinar with expert Tim Sarrantonio, you’ll learn the fundamental steps to create an immersive and personalized online giving experience for your donors.

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The NonProfit Voice Ep 78: Best Practices to Improve Your Nonprofit’s Email Engagement

NonProfit PRO

Cherian Koshy of Merit America and Tim Sarrantonio of Neon One join the NonProfit Voice to discuss email benchmarks for the nonprofit sector.

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Can Worker Co-ops Create a Healthier Planet?

NonProfit Quarterly

Image Credit: Kasturi Laxmi Mohit on Cooperatives are great. We need them—especially worker-owned ones, which allow us to own the means of production and make decisions for ourselves. Hopefully, they also allow us to feel less alienated from one another, from our labor, and from sustaining our lives and livelihoods. Yet might worker cooperatives deepen their effectiveness by using a relational, ecological framework to inform how they are organized and make decisions?

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Comment on 10 Ways to Improve Your Fundraising Mindset this Summer by Karen Ferguson

Amy Eisenstein

I absolutely love numbers 5 and 6! Several years ago, I started holding my one-to-one staff meetings as a walking meeting. We would walk the neighborhood talking and strategizing. So much good and so many great ideas came from those meetings. As our team grew I started group walks for staff meetings. Again, a success. I found that our best ideas came from these meetings along with building a sense of camaraderie and trust.

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Making Policy Work for Rural Communities: The Value of Community Voice

NonProfit Quarterly

Image Credit: cottonbro studio on Rural America is far more diverse than how it is portrayed in media and popular culture. This article is the second in the series Eradicating Rural Poverty: The Power of Cooperation. Coproduced by Partners for Rural Transformation, a coalition of six regional community development financial institutions, and NPQ , authors highlight efforts to address multi-generational poverty in Appalachia, the rural West, Indian Country, South Texas, and the Mi

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5 Creative Ideas For Year-End Giving Campaigns

The Killoe Group

The end of the year is a crazy time filled with family, holidays, excitement, and, of course, annual giving campaigns. Not surprisingly, the end of the year is one of the busiest times for nonprofit teams. Use this list of 5 creative end-of-year giving campaign ideas to help your nonprofit develop successful, repeatable campaigns both during the holiday and throughout the rest of the year.

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Comment on 10 Ways to Improve Your Fundraising Mindset this Summer by Sheri Aasen

Amy Eisenstein

When it comes to improving your fundraising results, your mindset really matters. So take some time this summer to improve it! Here are 10 tips.

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16 free nonprofit books for your summer reading list


Ah, summertime is in the air! It’s the perfect time to relax, get away, and kick back to enjoy some good books from Candid’s free nonprofit eBook collection. Are you worried that a nonprofit-related book will feel like a rain cloud over your summer vibes? Don’t be. We’ve scoured our online library to find you our best quick reads and easy listens that will inspire you and help you recharge.

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Comment on 10 Ways to Improve Your Fundraising Mindset this Summer by Brian Bonde

Amy Eisenstein

When it comes to improving your fundraising results, your mindset really matters. So take some time this summer to improve it! Here are 10 tips.

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Black Business Group Aims to Narrow Racial Wealth Gap in Massachusetts

NonProfit Quarterly

Image Credit: Nuthawut Somsuk on The Black Economic Council of Massachusetts , better known as BECMA, represents Black-owned businesses across the state. The group has an unusual origin story. Not too many organizations trace their origins to a Federal Reserve study, but, then again, the study in question was no ordinary report. Published in 2015 and titled The Color of Wealth , the findings of the report commissioned by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston were striking.

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19 Best Nonprofit Software Options for 2023

Donorbox Nonprofit

Nonprofits can find about anything online today. Thousands of online companies finally understand how significant nonprofits are to the economy and want to make a buck and do their part to increase their impact on the world. Nonprofits can choose between several different options when it comes to nonprofit software. This article provides 19 of […] The post 19 Best Nonprofit Software Options for 2023 appeared first on Nonprofit Blog.

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Go-To Plan To Maximize Your Nonprofit’s Year-End Potential

The Killoe Group

There is the huge potential for nonprofits that often comes with the end of the year, but cutting through the noise and competing with other nonprofits can be a challenge. Here are few more go-to tips to help maximize your nonprofit’s year-end giving potential.

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How to Plan a Successful Product Fundraiser in 4 Easy Steps

Top Nonprofits

As a nonprofit professional, you’re likely familiar with the search for fundraising ideas. Maybe you’re hoping to boost participation in a virtual event or attract new donors to an in-person fundraiser. You might ask volunteers for suggestions or reuse previously successful fundraisers. If your brainstorming sessions spur ideas about product fundraisers, you’re on the right track!

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5 tips for overcoming distractions that crowd out your writing

Jeff Brooks

Distraction is the enemy of creativity. Especially writing, which seems to attract distraction like a magnet attracts iron shavings. Two frightening facts: The average person is distracted every 40 seconds when working at their computer. On average it takes more than 23 minutes to get back on task after these interruptions. That’s not good! Here are some ways to beat writing distractions, from the Publication Coach Blog, at How to harness the power of distraction free writing : Reduce your goals

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Tech Isn’t Coming For Your Job with Nejeed Kassam

Marketing for the Modern Nonprofit

This episode is sponsored by my friends at Keela , a comprehensive fundraising and donor management software that will help you expand your reach, increase fundraising revenue, and foster a dedicated community of supporters. Keela is hosting a webinar, led by me, on June 6 – How to Drive Donations and Get Engagement Using Social Media. It’s totally free, and you can get all the details and sign up by clicking here.

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It Takes Two to Drive Success: How Rethinking Nonprofit Leadership Can Solve Your Gift Officer Turnover Problem


As turnover in the nonprofit sector continues to plague so many organizations, and not just with major gift officers, it’s time to face a difficult truth. This is never going to change unless you make big changes to your nonprofit leadership. Too often, leadership tends to coalesce around one person – usually the founder, the CEO, the president, or the public face of the organization.