Tue.May 02, 2023

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Grant Makers Support Affordable Housing to Further Many Other Causes

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

By Eden Stiffman Jason Asteros, Habitat for Humanity International Donors and foundations that seek to improve education, health, and economic opportunity are backing solutions to fix the housing crisis. Plus: See the rest of our May issue, posted online today.

Health 310
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How to Market Special Occasion Fundraising to Your Donors

NonProfit PRO

Holidays and birthdays are great opportunities for connecting and engaging with supporters. Learn how to market special occasion fundraising to boost revenue.

Marketing 246

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To Stem the Housing Crisis, Religious Congregations Are Building Homes

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

By Eden Stiffman André Chung for The Chronicle Churches and other religious organizations are developing vacant or underutilized land in their own backyards to meet the need for affordable housing. Nonprofits are helping them navigate the financial and political challenges.

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The Donor-Centered Approach to Major Gift Fundraising

NonProfit PRO

In fundraising, there is one singular approach to success, and that is relational fundraising. Let's discuss ways that fundraisers can utilize this strategy to acquire and properly manage major gifts.

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How To Cultivate Community Affinity Throughout The Generosity Journey

Speaker: Tim Sarrantonio, Director of Corporate Brand

This session will dive into how to create rich generosity experiences that foster long-lasting relationships. You’ll walk away with actionable insights to redefine how you engage with your supporters—emphasizing trust, engagement, and community over transactional giving models. 🤝 Industry expert Tim Sarrantonio will explore data-backed strategies to engage supporters as active participants in a community that values their contributions and shared ideals.

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HBCUs Get 178 Times Less in Foundation Grants Than Ivy League Institutions

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

By Glenn Gamboa, Associated Press Jacquelyn Martin, AP A recent study found that in a single year eight Ivy League universities received $5.5 billion from the 1,000 largest U.S. foundations compared with $45 million for the 99 historically black colleges and universities.

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5 Top Takeaways from the Nonprofit Email Report

Nonprofit Marketing Guide

Have you checked out the new report from NeonOne called The Nonprofit Email Report ? It is definitely worth the download and read. There are A LOT of great insights in the report, so it’s hard to narrow it down to just my favorite five, but here goes. So you know, this report really does match the nonprofits that are most likely to be Nonprofit Marketing Guide folks.

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Why Images and Videos are Crucial for Your Nonprofit’s Social Media Strategy

Nonprofit Marketing Insights by GlobalOwls

Why Images and Videos are Crucial for Your Nonprofit’s Social Media Strategy Learn why incorporating images and videos into your nonprofit’s social media strategy is essential for maximizing engagement, conveying your message effectively, and building a strong brand presence online. Social media marketing for nonprofits can be tricky. With limited volunteers and small budgets, several nonprofits aren’t able to “invest” in paid social media advertising.

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Online Giving Declined Slightly in 2022, but Monthly Giving Was a Bright Spot, Report Finds

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

By Emily Haynes Declines in online giving mask the turbulence of the year for individual nonprofits — with some performing well, while others had sharp declines, according to a new report. Recurring donors gave more money over all than those offering one-time gifts, highlighting a path nonprofits seeking to boost retention might want to follow.

Retention 231
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We need to talk about suicide among nonprofit professionals and social justice activists

Non Profit AF

Hi everyone, this post will be more personal and serious than usual.

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Mission-Driven Lending Organizations Play a Key Role in Spreading Low-Cost Housing

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

By Kay Dervishi Brittany Greeson for The Chronicle Investments that foundations and businesses make are put into revolving funds that provide loans, housing down payments, and more.

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How to Design a Seamless & Personalized Digital Donor Journey

Speaker: Tim Sarrantonio

The average nonprofit uses five or more different software platforms to create their donor’s journey, making the experience clunky and disjointed. If you want to design a magical online giving experience for donors, making their journey as seamless as possible is key. In this webinar with expert Tim Sarrantonio, you’ll learn the fundamental steps to create an immersive and personalized online giving experience for your donors.

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Advocacy for everyone: 6 ways to help your supporters take action


No matter how your nonprofit organization is making change in the world, it’s impacted by others’ decisions, whether those decisions come from local and national legislators, corporations, institutions, or others who hold power and shape the way we live our lives. That’s why we often say that advocacy is for everyone: when decisions are being made that affect your organization’s work, mission, and vision, it just makes sense to get involved, unite your supporters, and move them to take action wi

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Fridays Off? Fewer Meetings? 10 Tips for Testing a 4-Day Week

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

By Drew Lindsay Getty Images How groups have squeezed their work — and impact — into schedules that aren't Monday through Friday

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How to Restore the Care in Long-Term Nursing Care

NonProfit Quarterly

This article is, with publisher permission, adapted from a more extensive journal article, “ A Tax Credit Proposal for Profit Moderation and Social Mission Maximization in Long-Term Residential Care Businesses ” published last year by Nonprofit Policy Forum. For decades, for-profit nursing homes and assisted living facilities have seen profit maximization overrun social mission.

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Nonprofit Stays for the Long Haul After Disasters

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

By Emily Haynes Ben Kelmer A humanitarian group called IsraAID stays in disaster areas long after the news cameras leave, working with community leaders and local organizations to help people recover and build resilience.

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A clarion call to invest in historically Black colleges and universities


Prior to the Civil War, the education of Black Americans was prohibited in most states and discouraged in others, leaving many Black communities without access to the educational resources to build quality lives, much less wealth. In 1837 Richard Humphreys established the African Institute, now Cheyney University, in Pennsylvania making it the oldest historically Black university in the United States.

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Foundations Buoy a New Movement of Renters' Activism

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

By Sara Herschander Sam Blaufuss Instead of focusing mainly on ways to help low- and middle-class people buy affordable housing, grant makers are paying for community organizing and advocacy designed to protect renters.

Activism 130
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Biggest Fleet, Not Biggest Boat

Stanford Social Innovation Review

By Cleveland Justis & Daniel Student An excerpt from Don’t Lead Alone on acting like a network

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Who will hack whom?

Philanthropy 2173

Nonprofits and foundations have been slow to realize that they live in a world of dirty tricks, bad faith messaging, trolls, DDOS attacks, and data breaches. In other words, they inhabit the same internet the rest of us do - one where determining what information to trust is almost a full-time job. Industry intermediaries - organizations that provide information about nonprofits and foundations to the public - live in this same world.

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Principled or stupid? 4 questions to ask yourself

Jeff Brooks

Is it okay to lie in your fundraising? NO! You know that. Most fundraisers know that. We don’t spend one second pondering the ethics of lying. We just don’t do it. But not all. Some fundraisers lie. A lot. Like certain political fundraisers who constantly and outrageously lie to donors. They know they’re lying, but they keep lying because it works. They make millions more with lies than they would with truth.

Ethics 52
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Benefits of Using Mobile Storage Units in Melbourne

Nonprofit Marketing Insights by GlobalOwls

Benefits of Using Mobile Storage Units in Melbourne Mobile storage units are a game-changer for those seeking storage solutions. From accessibility to flexibility – explore the many benefits of portable storage units in this blog! Space is a precious commodity today, so many people and companies are turning to mobile storage units as a solution. Mobile storage units offer a range of benefits that traditional storage options cannot match, including cost-effectiveness, flexibility, and accessibili

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Won’t asking for money change the relationship?

Fundraising Coach

On Saturday, I was honored to do a training at the Coastal Community Foundation of South Carolina in Charleston, SC for founders of nonprofits in the Facebook Grant for Supporting Black Communities program. During the training, a question was asked that I think we all need to wrestle with. It was basically, “If I build a relationship with a donor before asking, won’t asking for money change the relationship?

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Nonprofit Networks: What They Are, How They Work and Commonly Held Challenges

Prosper Strategies

What is a nonprofit network? The post Nonprofit Networks: What They Are, How They Work and Commonly Held Challenges appeared first on Prosper Strategies.

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Salesforce Unveils Next Generation of Nonprofit Cloud

NonProfit PRO

The newest generation of Salesforce's Nonprofit Cloud will feature new program management, fundraising, engagement and grantmaking features all in one unified, single solution.