Wed.May 10, 2023

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The End of the Covid Health Emergency Must Not Spell the End of Progress Toward Health Equity

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

By Amy Pisani University of Arizona Health Sciences While the Covid-19 public-health emergency officially ends Thursday, the need to vaccinate all people in the United States and prepare for future pandemics must continue.

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IRS Reminds Tax-Exempt Organizations of Annual May Filing Deadline

NonProfit PRO

The Internal Revenue Service reminded thousands of tax-exempt organizations of their May 15, 2023, filing deadline. The annual filing due date for certain returns filed by tax-exempt organizations is normally by the 15th day of the fifth month after the end of an organization's accounting period.


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Comment on Calling Women Fundraisers: Where You Sit Matters by Renee Atkinson

Amy Eisenstein

This article hit close to home. I always sit in the middle of the table even now that I am AVP. You make an excellent point and I will change where I sit from now on. Thank you!

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Interactive Marketing: How Nonprofits Can Captivate in a Noisy World

NonProfit PRO

Nonprofit donors are increasingly immune to traditional marketing and advertising. Wherever we go, from billboards on the highway to pop-up ads on our favorite websites, countless brands vie for attention. As a result, we’ve learned to tune them out or avoid them. That's why interactive marketing is so effective.

Marketing 252
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How To Cultivate Community Affinity Throughout The Generosity Journey

Speaker: Tim Sarrantonio, Director of Corporate Brand

This session will dive into how to create rich generosity experiences that foster long-lasting relationships. You’ll walk away with actionable insights to redefine how you engage with your supporters—emphasizing trust, engagement, and community over transactional giving models. 🤝 Industry expert Tim Sarrantonio will explore data-backed strategies to engage supporters as active participants in a community that values their contributions and shared ideals.

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Bonuses Can Help Nonprofits Stretch Budgets and Retain Fundraisers

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

By Emily Haynes As nonprofits struggle to hire and retain fundraisers, some are turning to performance-based bonuses to entice and retain talent.

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How to Emphasize Blended Gifts in Your Fundraising

NonProfit PRO

Historically, major gift officers solely sought donors with the capacity to make major gifts, and planned gift officers focused on prospects with the result being a planned gift. But now, blended gifts are the future of gift planning.

More Trending

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2023 DonorPerfect Community Conference: REFRESH

NonProfit PRO

The 2023 DonorPerfect Community Conference will explore industry skills and solutions that make it simple to refresh your fundraising strategy on a dime. Mark your calendar now for two half-days of free, virtual sessions on June 6th and 7th, led by celebrated nonprofit leaders and expert fundraising trainers.

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Involving Volunteers in Nonprofit Events: A Quick Guide

NonProfit Leadership Alliance

Nonprofit events are the perfect opportunity to bring your community together to celebrate and support your cause, but they also require a lot of work. From designing an effective marketing strategy and securing sponsors to coordinating details like venues, catering, and entertainment, there are dozens of tasks that need to be completed before the day of a big event.

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Smart, Sharp Tools For Quality Fundraising Data

NonProfit PRO

Make 2023 a year of growth and enhance your fundraising data with Melissa’s smart, sharp data quality tools! Learn how Melissa can help you verify global address and contact information to stay in touch with donors, create mailing lists to expand your outreach to the best possible supporters, and keep your funds secure with eIDV by downloading our new Solutions Catalog today!

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Comment on Calling Women Fundraisers: Where You Sit Matters by Susan

Amy Eisenstein

I worked at an organization where the person not in charge (although they wanted to be) always sat at the head of the table, and the executive director sat in the middle. It made a pretty big statement, as the executive director had difficulty truly being in charge. The employee seated at the head of the table was always calling the shots, telling people what to do, and when to do it, including the executive director.

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How to Design a Seamless & Personalized Digital Donor Journey

Speaker: Tim Sarrantonio

The average nonprofit uses five or more different software platforms to create their donor’s journey, making the experience clunky and disjointed. If you want to design a magical online giving experience for donors, making their journey as seamless as possible is key. In this webinar with expert Tim Sarrantonio, you’ll learn the fundamental steps to create an immersive and personalized online giving experience for your donors.

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D&O Insurance for Non-Profits: The Key to Non-Profit Risk Management

NonProfit PRO

Running one of the 1.5 million non-profit organizations in the United States can be fulfilling and meaningful. It can also bring significant risk of loss exposures. Every year, non-profit leaders are exposed to Directors and Officers (D&O) claims made against them and their organizations. Read on for more information about the growing exposures non-profit directors face, and the peace of mind D&O insurance can offer non-profits.

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Newsletter: Call of Duty Asks Players to 'Loot for Good' ; 9 Ways AI can improve Your Email Marketing ; Meals On Wheels is a Climate-Relief Model ??

Selfish Giving

I'm busy this week teaching in the New Strategies Program in the business school at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. I'm teaching 30+ nonprofit leaders how to raise money with corporate partnerships. Woo-hoo! ? For that reason, I'm keeping this week's newsletter short! ✍️ Partnership Notes 1. Did you miss the Q&A session I held last Thursday with the gang at Good Scout???

Marketing 130
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Simons Foundation, Bloomberg Philanthropies Give $150 Million to Create New York Climate Exchange

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

By M.J.

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National Gathering Looks to Address Root Causes of Inequality

NonProfit Quarterly

Image Credit: Clint McKoy on “We know that redlining and segregation was not just a phenomenon that has to do with banks,” Jesse Van Tol, CEO of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, said. “Institutional racism means that many institutions were implicated in the creation of the system that we have today—governmental, academic, corporate, and medical institutions alike.

Finance 106
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Launching a successful nonprofit communications campaign


To spread the word about a new initiative or build awareness around your mission-driven work, effective communication with your audiences is key. This is where a communications campaign can come in handy. But managing a campaign’s moving pieces can be challenging. To set your next campaign up for success, we are breaking up the process of building a campaign into five simple steps.

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A Care Economy is a Strong Economy

NonProfit Quarterly

The following is a transcript of the video above, from our webinar on “Remaking the Economy: Caring for the Care Economy.” View the full webinar here. Jenn Stowe: The domestic worker workforce has had a history of exclusion and sexism and racism surrounding it because farm workers and domestic workers were left out of the New Deal in the 1930s. There was a humongous labor package [and] labor protections passed at that time, and domestic workers were not included in that.

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How can we bring radical honesty to communications?

Big Duck

The post How can we bring radical honesty to communications? appeared first on Big Duck.

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ChatGPT Did NOT Write This Headline (But It Probably Could Have)

Veritus Group

Have you considered adding a chatbot to your fundraising toolbox? Here are some practical steps to start optimizing all that AI has to offer. The post ChatGPT Did NOT Write This Headline (But It Probably Could Have) appeared first on Veritus Group.

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Data Literacy for Small Nonprofits with Sarah Epting

Marketing for the Modern Nonprofit

This episode is sponsored by my friends at Keela , a comprehensive fundraising and donor management software that will help you expand your reach, increase fundraising revenue, and foster a dedicated community of supporters. Keela is hosting a webinar, led by me, on June 6 – How to Drive Donations and Get Engagement Using Social Media. It’s totally free, and you can get all the details and sign up by clicking here.

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3 ways to keep your fundraising tests smart and on target

Jeff Brooks

Testing is one of the great advantages of doing direct-response fundraising. It frees you from guessing what will work. It shuts down the uninformed opinions of amateurs. (Well, it should.) But you have to test right. Here’s a helpful post from the Heroic Fundraising Blog, at When to Invest in a Fundraising Campaign Test? 3 Questions to Ask. (It includes a helpful decision tree for testing.

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How to Make Better and Wiser Decisions Part 2

Nonprofit Leadership Podcast

Today’s episode is Part 2 of a conversation with guests, Dr. Jim Loehr and Dr. Sheila Ohlsson Walker. In Part 1, they discuss why the skill of decision making is essential for the trajectory of our lives. In today’s episode, Jim and Sheila dive deeper into how important your inner voice is and how you can train it to be better at helping you make decisions.

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Conducting a Nonprofit Technology Assessment in 4 Steps

Successful Nonprofits

The post Conducting a Nonprofit Technology Assessment in 4 Steps appeared first on Successful Nonprofits.

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Using Impact Science to Solve Hunger More Effectively

Stanford Social Innovation Review

By Heather King Hunger in the United States is more prevalent, more invisible, and more difficult to solve than many people would imagine. Nearly a quarter of Americans report experiencing regular food challenges, and more than 10 percent of US households are “food-insecure ,” meaning they lack access to enough food to support an active, healthy life for all household members on a daily basis.

Food 111