Sat.Sep 23, 2023 - Fri.Sep 29, 2023

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Ibram X. Kendi’s Antiracism Center Is Struggling. Donors Share Some of the Blame.

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

If grant makers want to strengthen the racial-justice movement, they need to admit when things go wrong and ensure that better planning and accountability are in place the next time. By Eboo Patel Steven Senne, AP Under Ibram X. Kendi, the Center for Antiracist Research raised a whopping $55 million, much of it right after the murder of George Floyd in the summer of 2020.

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Why Volunteer Engagement Is Essential to Fulfilling Your Fundraising Potential

NonProfit PRO

Two trends in the nonprofit world suggest we are facing a crisis: the declining number of donors and declining number of volunteers. Here are some reasons volunteers are so important for nonprofits' fundraising goals, and some guidance on what you should consider to get them engaged.


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WATCH: Simple Strategies to Gain & Retain More Donors Every Month

NonProfit Leadership Center

Research shows that retaining donors is more cost effective than attracting new ones — but why should your nonprofit have to choose between the two? During this free on-demand webinar, you will learn: A simple digital strategy to significantly grow your email list each month without adding extra ongoing effort How to create and offer your donors exactly what they want so you can attract AND retain more of them How to scale and supercharge this strategy through effective ads (including the free

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Nonprofit Storytellers Bills of Rights

Nonprofit Marketing Guide

On a recent Nonprofit Communications Directors Mentoring Program call, the group discussed creating a nonprofit storytelling “bill of rights” for their organizations. A storyteller’s bill of rights outlines the roles, responsibilities, expectations, promises, and benefits to and of the nonprofit and the story’s subject. Let’s look at how several nonprofits approach their storyteller bill of rights.

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How To Cultivate Community Affinity Throughout The Generosity Journey

Speaker: Tim Sarrantonio, Director of Corporate Brand

This session will dive into how to create rich generosity experiences that foster long-lasting relationships. You’ll walk away with actionable insights to redefine how you engage with your supporters—emphasizing trust, engagement, and community over transactional giving models. 🤝 Industry expert Tim Sarrantonio will explore data-backed strategies to engage supporters as active participants in a community that values their contributions and shared ideals.

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The 'Overhead Myth' Debunked, Again: A Q&A With Dan Pallotta

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

10 years after his TED Talk, Dan Pallotta is back with "An Inconvenient Truth" for charities. By Sara Herschander Courtesy of Abramorama Dan Pallotta’s TED Talk has been viewed millions of times. His 2013 TED Talk made him a polarizing figure, sparking changes, debates, and criticism. Now his new film Uncharitable is making the case again.

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How Nonprofits Can Capitalize on Strategic Partnerships for Long-Term Sustainability

NonProfit PRO

Nonprofits are continuously challenged with limited resources and highly competitive funding opportunities for program sustainability and growth. However, they often overlook the great value of community support and strategic partnerships, in alignment with a nonprofit’s mission, to leverage additional funding.

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Nonprofit Social Media and Newsletter Ideas for October 2023

Nonprofit Marketing Guide

Looking for social media or newsletter ideas for October? We have them! Psst, you can also use these writing ideas for blog posts, videos and more. These writing ideas for October come from our Monthly Nonprofit Writing Prompts email newsletter. Fill out the form below to get November’s prompts emailed to you the week of October 2nd. On the Calendar 10/01: National Homemade Cookie Day or World Vegetarian Day.

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Why Democracy Donors Should Fund Drag Performers

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

By Beatrice Thomas and Lane Harwell As anti-drag protests put the art form in crisis, philanthropy needs to end its silence on this issue.

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Nonprofit Job Vacancies Persist for Third Straight Year

NonProfit PRO

The nonprofit sector has not been immune to the challenges presented by the job market over the past three years. In light of this, the National Council of Nonprofits has released striking findings from its second Nonprofit Workforce Survey in a new report.

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Five Ways Nonprofit Boards Can Support the Marketing Function

NonProfit Leadership Alliance

Written by: Randye S Spina, MBA Reading Time: 4 minutes I’ve served on several nonprofit boards in marketing and communications roles and have seen first-hand that marketing is often an afterthought. Even for nonprofits lucky enough to have healthy budgets, it’s often the most misunderstood function. Board members can have expertise in ANY function and still support the marketing effort to set an example for volunteers, donors, supporters, and grantors by publicly supporting your organization’s

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How to Design a Seamless & Personalized Digital Donor Journey

Speaker: Tim Sarrantonio

The average nonprofit uses five or more different software platforms to create their donor’s journey, making the experience clunky and disjointed. If you want to design a magical online giving experience for donors, making their journey as seamless as possible is key. In this webinar with expert Tim Sarrantonio, you’ll learn the fundamental steps to create an immersive and personalized online giving experience for your donors.

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Mixed Links: News and Tips for Nonprofit Marketers – September 29, 2023

Nonprofit Marketing Guide

Hamilton’s on Ogletree. Auburn, AL BREAKING NEWS: Mixed Links will be moving to our community soon! Get your free membership here to join us now before we make the switch. But for now, you can still get the most helpful articles, posts, and tips for nonprofit marketers from the last week or so right here. This week we have AI platforms and policies, social media engagement benchmarks for nonprofits, blog post ideas, bizsplaining, and more.

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Few People of Color Lead in Art Museums. Can Philanthropy Change That?

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

Four philanthropies will spend more than $11 million to attract diverse talent to leadership roles in art museums. By Kay Dervishi Saint Louis Art Museum Four philanthropies will spend more than $11 million to attract diverse talent to leadership roles in art museums.

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How to Support Nonprofit Employees’ Mental Health and Wellness

NonProfit PRO

While the mission can be the best part of the job, it can also be emotionally taxing and stressful to be so invested in a particular cause. Here are some tips for supporting employee recognition, support, and wellness within your nonprofit team.

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Lights, Camera, Action! 5 Tips to Engage Donors with Video

Ann Green

The right video has the power to spark an emotional connection between your nonprofit and its donors. Learn how to engage donors through video in this guide. By Doug Scott Imagine a donor is searching online for charitable causes to support. With a desire to make a difference, they scroll through various nonprofit websites, reading about their missions and impact.

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Remove These 4 Barriers to Become an Agile Nonprofit Leader

NonProfit Leadership Alliance

Written by: Miriam P. Dicks Reading Time: 5 minutes You may be wondering why agility in the nonprofit sector is something worth discussing. The ability to be an agile organization requires being able to modify and adapt to ever-changing internal and external factors in a way that is successful and sustainable. The way COVID-19 impacted the nonprofit world comes to mind when I think about the need for organizational agility.

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7 Questions Nonprofits Have About A.I., Answered

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

Will A.I. take my job? If I don't use it, will I fall behind? Experts explain how A.I. is changing nonprofits. By Sara Herschander Getty Images A.I. is quickly changing the way we live and work — and nonprofits are no exception. Here's what you need to know to get started.

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An Overview of Today’s Nonprofit Technology Marketplace

NonProfit PRO

The nonprofit technology marketplace is growing and evolving, which can make it challenging to keep up with what’s available. So, let’s look at an overview of today’s nonprofit technology marketplace.

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Newsletter: How to Host a Shopping Day Fundraiser ; Crayola Launches a Cause-Related Flower Business ; Are Corporations Really Committed to Ending Childhood Hunger?

Selfish Giving

I'M BACK! What a trip! The sites! The pesto! The gelato! ?? Northern Italy was a-mazing, gang. ???? Still, I'm happy to be back home and writing today. And today is extra special because IT'S ALSO MY BIRTHDAY! ??? Fortunately, I stopped counting years ago. 29-forever, friends! While I didn't find any great examples of cause marketing in Italy, as I did last year , I did find a potential cause marketing opportunity in my inbox when I got home.

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Comment on Foolproof Ways to Get a First Meeting with a Major Donor by Asking Made Easy: The 1-2-3 Approach to Soliciting a Gift - CapDev

Amy Eisenstein

[…] this point, you’ll request a meeting with your ideal donor. Do not beat around the bush; rather, be direct and straightforward.

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A Government Shutdown Is Looming: What Nonprofits Need to Know

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

Organizations across the country are creating contingency plans. By Sara Herschander Douglas Rissing, Getty Images In what's become a bitter cycle, nonprofits across the country are creating contingency plans.

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Ditch the Donor Pyramid for the Loyalty Loop

NonProfit PRO

The donor pyramid and donor funnel have long been the ultimate fundraising strategy. Though the nonprofit sector may desire a better method, these relied upon tactics are still used today. Here’s a look at what another method, the loyalty loop, entails.

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The New Problem-Solving Skills That All Cities Need

Stanford Social Innovation Review

By James Anderson Here’s a new axiom fit for the 21st century: The greater the global challenge, the more likely it is to fall to local governments to fix. But this modern reality comes with an inconvenient truth: Our public institutions are not equipped with the updated skills they need to effectively tackle the world’s ever-escalating challenges—not by a long shot.

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Incoherent Policy Threatens Overdose Prevention Sites

NonProfit Quarterly

Image credit: Photo by Jonas Verstuyft on Unsplash Since opening in 2021, a New York overdose prevention program operated by the nonprofit OnPoint NYC claims to have saved some 1,000 lives by allowing clients to consume drugs in a safe environment with access to medical care, treatment, counseling, and case management. Despite the evidence to support the efficacy of these sites, this August the US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, the region’s top law enforcement author

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Nonprofits and the Trust Problem: New Signs of Worry for the Field

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

Nonprofits remain trusted by a majority of Americans — but that trust is eroding, according to a new study. By Alex Daniels Nonprofits remain trusted by a majority of Americans — but that trust is eroding, according to a new study.

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Private and Family Foundation Giving Increased Amid Economic Uncertainty

NonProfit PRO

Foundation Source released the "2023 Report on Private Philanthropy: Giving and Investment Trends Within Private Foundations." It found that in the face of economic instability, foundations gave $111 million more in charitable aid in 2022, totaling $865 million compared to $754 million in 2021.

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The Importance of Establishing Operating Reserves for Nonprofits

Stanford Social Innovation Review

By Christine Hunt One of the most impactful grant programs the Kendeda Fund has ever undertaken was funding our nonprofit partners’ operating reserves. At the end of 2023, Kendeda will be “sunsetting”— winding down three decades and nearly $1.2 billion in grantmaking —and this relatively modest ($7.6 million) and decidedly “unsexy” grant initiative began as a way to prepare our grantee partners for life “after Kendeda.

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What Can a COVID Outbreak at a Writing Conference Teach Us about Community Care?

NonProfit Quarterly

Reports of the first positive case of COVID-19 began on day three. On the fourth day, Jennifer Grotz, director of the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference , sent an email notifying attendees that two participants had tested positive for the virus, which increased to six positive cases by the next day. By the end of the first week, over 26 cases had been reported at the conference—more than 10 percent of the participants.

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I’m a White Male Elite Who Wanted to Fight for Racial Justice. Here’s What I Got Wrong.

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

Garrett Neiman was taught that leading and controlling institutions was the best way for a privileged man like him to have an impact. The social sector has taught him otherwise. By Garrett Neiman Getty Images Garrett Neiman was taught that leading and controlling institutions was the best way for a privileged man like him to have an impact. The social sector has taught him otherwise.

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6 Tactics to Improve Your Nonprofit’s Online Fundraising Results

NonProfit PRO

Donors are giving less overall, so what can you do to optimize your nonprofit’s online giving strategies? Experts shared their thoughts on donor fees, year-end giving, social media, donation buttons and more.

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10 Ways Funders Can Address Generative AI Now

Stanford Social Innovation Review

By Kelly Born Until recently, the arrival of generative artificial intelligence seemed farther in the future. To date, most funders investing in artificial intelligence—including McGovern, Schmidt Futures, and Open Philanthropy—have focused primarily on understanding AI’s potential risks, or supporting AI’s positive impacts on society, in the longer-term.

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What is Climate Psychology? An Interview with Climate Psychology Alliance’s Rebecca Weston

NonProfit Quarterly

We sat down with clinician and advocate Rebecca Weston to talk about climate psychology, movement journalism, and the responsibility of journalists and clinicians to connect to the emotional impacts of the climate crisis. This interview has been edited for length and clarity. Iris Crawford: So, break it down for me and for folks who will be watching this.

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Lawyer Gives $20 Million So Low-Income Law Students Can Avoid Enormous Debt

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

Aviation lawyer John Hoyns hopes his gift will help students from low-income families avoid the stress of worrying about money. By Maria Di Mento Plus, Stetson University received a $15.4 million bequest from a longtime supporter for scholarships and to endow its music school, and four other nonprofits received multimillion dollar donations.

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The Future of Planned Giving Is Now

NonProfit PRO

Planned giving is a key piece of big picture fundraising strategies. Here is some guidance on planned giving as baby boomers begin to transfer their wealth over the next two decades.

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Using a Community-Based Approach to Improve Maternal and Child Health

Stanford Social Innovation Review

By Agnes Binagwaho & Kevin Kubwimana The echoes of Rwanda’s past resonate with a profound message of resilience and transformation. Emerging from the shadows of a devastating genocide that resulted in the grievous loss of more than 1 million lives, Rwanda has carved a path of recovery that reverberates with hope, resilience, and achievements. Amidst this historical context, the nation’s strides in maternal and child health take on a significant mantle, showcasing the power of renewal.

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Economic Justice: Nonprofit Leaders Speak Out

NonProfit Quarterly

Image credit: Yuet Lam-Tsang Editors’ note: This article is from Nonprofit Quarterly Magazine ’s summer 2023 issue, “Movement Economies: Making Our Vision a Collective Reality.” W hat would a nonprofit sector that pursued economic justice look like? Too often, it is assumed that nonprofits are automatically leaders in the economic justice movement.